It belongs to non selective
beta blocker.
Therapeutic effects are :
- Angina pectoris - decrease oxygen requirement of heart muscle
and reduce chest pain on exertion. So it is used in the management
of chronic stable angina.
- Myocardial infarction - to treat and prevent. Propranolol has
protective effect on myocardium.
- Hypertension - reduce cardiac output and peripheral
resistance.Also inhibit renin release from the kidney.
- Tachyarrhythmias
- Migraine - prophylactically to reduce severity and frequency of
migraine episodes
- Anxiety, hyperthyroidism - > to control tachycardia and
- Glaucoma -propranolol diminish intra ocular prssure by reducing
production of aqueous humor
- Infantile hemangiomas - propranolol is used to treat it.