Describe how the following factors
influence obesity: genetic susceptibility, leptin resistance, and
weight cycling.
Obesity is influenced in the
following manner:
- Genetic
susceptibility: in some cases, genes have been shown to be
directly causing obesity. This has become more prominent in cases
such as Barnet Biedl syndrome as well as the Prader Wili syndrome.
Though, genes would not be always predicting future health. In
order for a person to be overweight,there has to be both genes and
behavior affecting him. Susceptibility to obesity is increased by
more than one gene. Also with supplementation with external factors
such as abundant food or less physical activity. For a person
having family history, obesity is almost 8 times higher.
- Leptin resistance:
leptin levels may keep increasing as a person becomes fatter.
Leptin resistance means that there would be high leptin and the
brain gets starved as the body starts becoming obese. When a person
is losing weight, there is a reduction in the levels of leptin at
the time of weight loss, which would be signaling the brain to
increase feed and decrease the expenditure of energy.
- Weight cycling:
weight cycling is when there is repeated gain of weight or loss of
body weight. Weight cycling, as a result of dieting, is referred to
as yo yo dieting. This is one of the common occurrences that take
place in the obese populations.