
What are the action steps we should take to solve the antibiotics resistance crisis ( overuse)...

What are the action steps we should take to solve the antibiotics resistance crisis ( overuse) problem?

Homework Answers

Answer #1

if the patient taking the medicine frequently but sometimes it may leads to overdose for the patient. so inorder to correct that the following interventions we need to take to prevent antibiotic resistance crisis problem.

steps to solve the antibiotic resistance crisis:

  • initially we need to observe the dose of the antibiotic what the doctor has prescribed i.e optimize the therapeutic regimen.
  • provide the antidots for the patient to reduce the complications for the patient.
  • we can also provide some of the house hold methods, to prevent the poisoining.
  • provide intravenous fluids that is naloxane it is the example for atropine.
  • advise the patient to take rest and it helps to disabsorption of the drug in the liver.

so these are the ways to reduce the antibiotics resistance crisis problem.

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