
Imagine, you open an account with $1200 deposit at interest rate of 8% per year. Every...

Imagine, you open an account with $1200 deposit at interest rate of 8% per year.
Every year you collect the interest and withdraw $100.
Display how many years it takes until your balance goes below $100.

public static void main(String[] args)


Homework Answers

Answer #1

Code is Given Below:


public class IntrestCalc {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       //declaring variable to hold balance and year
       double balance=1200;
       int year=0;
       //loop will run until balance is greater than 100
       while(balance>=100) {
           //incrementing year
           //adding intrest to balance
           balance = balance +balance*0.08;
       //display result
       System.out.println("Years = "+year);




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