EcoRI produces 4 nucleotide ends (sticky end) with 5' end AATT
overhangs. The nucleic acid recognition sequence is G/AATTC.
EcoRI exhibits star activity which means it shows non-specific
cutting, in low salt concentration, high pH, high glycerol.
Widely used in cloning.
Type IIP enzyme.
Produces 5' overhang with sticky ends.
EcoRI and BamHI have extremely similar dimerization module, two
?-helices which form a four-helix bundle. EcoRI, in addition, has a
small two-stranded antiparallel ?-sheet, which interacts with the
symmetry-related ?-sheet of the other subunit. Altogether, BamHI
has a considerably smaller subunit interface than EcoRI (800 versus
2600 Å2).
Shows star activity at low ionic strength, high glycerol, Mn2+
and DMSO.