Question:What is TISAB and what is the purpose of it?Why is “dilution
solution” used to make...
What is TISAB and what is the purpose of it?Why is “dilution
solution” used to make...
What is TISAB and what is the purpose of it?Why is “dilution
solution” used to make standard solutions? What is the problem with
using water to make dilution?
A total ionic strength adjustment buffer (TISAB) is a buffer
solution which increases the ionic strength of a solution to a
relatively high level. This is important for potentiometric
measurements, including ion selective electrodes, because they
measure the activity of the analyte rather than its
Because there are some salts are having some impurities.
Directly if we prepare concentrations by taking weight, that may
effect on concentration.
1) Sometimes salts are not soluble in water, to make it clear
solution we have to add some additional solvents. 2) water should
be free from minerals otherwise that may effect on resulting