Chromosomal duplication results in extra copy of a
chromosomal region to occur.
Various types of changes or mutations occur in chromosomes which
are as follows-
- Duplication- In this, a stretch of chromosome
is repeated or it can be said that an extra copy of chromosomal
region is present in the chromosome. It generally occurs due to
recombination between misaligned homologous chromosomes at the time
of meiosis in germ cells which leads to the duplication of
chromosomal region resulting in extra copy if that region in the
chromosome. Duplication leads to increase in the size of
- Inversion- In this, a stretch of chromosome is
broken and then again join to the chromosome but in the reverse
order (not similar to normal order). In this, chromosome size
remains same.
- It is of two types- Pericentric inversion in
which the centromere is involved in the process and
Paracentric inversion in which the centromere is
not involved and breaking of stretch occurs near centromere.
- Deletion- In this, a stretch of chromosome is
deleted from the chromosome resultiong in shorter length of
chromosome. Deletion occur during DNA replication when a stretch of
DNA which is part of chromosome is not replicated.
- Translocation- In this ,a stretch of DNA
breaks from one chromosome and attaches to another chromosome
results in making one chromosome short and other chromosome longer
in length. It is of two types-
- Simple translocation- In this ,a stretch of
DNA breaks from one chromosome and attaches to another chromosome
in the same manner as it was on previous chromosome.
- Reciprocal translocation- In this ,a stretch
of DNA breaks from one chromosome and attaches to another
chromosome in the reverse manner as it was on previous
Our question is about extra copy of chromosomal region
which occurs in duplication.