Consider the series xt = −.8xt−2 + wt and yt = 2cos(2πt) + wt,
where wt...
Consider the series xt = −.8xt−2 + wt and yt = 2cos(2πt) + wt,
where wt ∼ iid N(0,1).
Determine each of the following functions:
(b) the autocovariance functions γx(s, t) and γy(s, t)
(c) the autocorrelation functions ρx(s, t) and ρy(s, t)
Using R statistical software
(a) Generate n = 100 observations from following time series
model xt...
Using R statistical software
(a) Generate n = 100 observations from following time series
model xt =2cos(2πt/4)+ωt, where ωt is i.i.d N(0,1). (b) Apply the
moving average to xt and get time series yt, such that yt = (xt +
xt−1 + xt−2 + xt−3)/4. [hint: Use filter(x,rep(1/4,4)),sides=1] (c)
Plot xt as a line and superimpose yt as a dashed line. (d) Describe
the relationship between xt and yt.
X1, … Xn are i.i.d. random variables, and E(Xi ) = 3β, Var(Xi )
= 3β^2...
X1, … Xn are i.i.d. random variables, and E(Xi ) = 3β, Var(Xi )
= 3β^2 , i = 1 … n, β > 0. Two estimators of β are defined as β̂
1 = (X̅ /3) β̂ 2 = (n /3n+1 ) X̅
Show that MSE(β̂ 2) < MSE(β̂ 1) for a sample size of n =
a) Let Xi for i = 1,2,...n be random variables with E[Xi] = μi
(not necessarily...
a) Let Xi for i = 1,2,...n be random variables with E[Xi] = μi
(not necessarily independent). Show that E[∑ni
=1 Xi] = [∑ni =1 μi]. Show from
b) Suppose that random variables Yi for i = 1, 2,...,n are
independent and identically distributed withE[Yi] =γ(gamma) and
Var[Yi] = σ2, Use part (a) to show that E[Ybar]
(c) Suppose that random variables Yi for i = 1, 2,...,n are
independent and identically distributed with E[Yi] =γ(gamma) and
g(s,t)=f(x(s,t),y(s,t)) where f(x,y)=x^2-xy^3,
x(3,4)=2, y(3,4)=-2, xs(3,4)=4 xt(3,4)=-1, ys(3,4)=10, and
Calculate gs(3,4)
g(s,t)=f(x(s,t),y(s,t)) where f(x,y)=x^2-xy^3,
x(3,4)=2, y(3,4)=-2, xs(3,4)=4 xt(3,4)=-1, ys(3,4)=10, and
Calculate gs(3,4)