low response rates are a continuing problem for surveys.some
people simply refuse to participate in surveys while others for
wide range of reasons,cannot participate.
researchers can do the following things to improve response rate
of sampling:
- choosing appropriate
survey length for the audience:
- longer surveys take more time to complete and thus increase the
costs to the respondent.hence respondents may reject the
- in general, the experimental research on mail surveys indicates
that shorter surveys elicits higher response rates.
- survey should be
easy to take and return:
- one of the easiest ways to increase response rates in
electronics,phone and paper formats is thoughtful design.
- a well designed attractive survey that is easy to complete will
improve response rates and data accuracy.
- by making surveys easy to complete will increase the likelihood
that respondents will participate.
- contacting
participants multiple times:
- it is considered the standard methodology for any survey
- to get full benefit from multiple contacts following things
should be done
- use a pre survey notification message
- follow the pre notification with a copy of the survey including
a cover message
- contact non-respondents using combination of messages and
- while multiple contacts can increase costs, re contacting
respondents is one of the best ways to ensure good response
- choosing right
delivery method
- the right delivery method can make or break a survey's response
- knowing your audience and their capabilities and
preferences,has a strong effect on response rate.