
In general how does the coefficient of static friction compare to the coefficient of dynamic friction?

In general how does the coefficient of static friction compare to the coefficient of dynamic friction?

Homework Answers

Answer #1

we know that the static friction > kinetic friction.

It is because whenever the body is in motion some wear occurs which reduces the contact area in the case of dry friction. For wet friction a wedge of liquid forms after the motion which floats the moving body thereby reducing friction.

We know that the Static friction is a term we use to describe the observed fact that it usually takes more force to set an object into motion than it takes to keep it moving once you've got it started.

How we could measure the relative sizes of static and kinetic friction?

If the coefficient of static friction is greater than the coefficient of kinetic friction, this is an easy thing to do: once you overcome the static friction, the frictional force drops. So, you pull on an object with a force sensor, and measure the maximum force required before it gets moving, then once it's in motion, the frictional force decreases, and you measure how much force you need to apply to maintain a constant velocity.

What would it mean to have kinetic friction be greater than static friction? Well, it would mean that the force required to keep an object in motion would be greater than the force required to start it in motion. Which would require the force to go up at the instant the object started moving. But that doesn't make any sense, experimentally-- what you would see in that case is just that the force would increase up to the level required to keep the object in motion, as if the coefficients of static and kinetic friction were exactly equal.

So, common sense tells us that the coefficient of static friction can never be less than the coefficient of kinetic friction. Having greater kinetic than static friction just doesn't make any sense in terms of the phenomena being described.

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