
Write a C++ program that calculates the series and parallel resistance for a group of resister...

Write a C++ program that calculates the series and parallel resistance for a group of resister values. Your program will prompt for the number of resistors and then the values for those resistors. It will then calculate the equivalent series and parallel resistance values. For example, 3 resistors with the values of 100, 200 and 300 would yield the equivalent series resistance of 100+200+300.Your program should also continue to prompt for resistor values until 0 is entered. This program should contain at least 2 different types of loops. HINT: One loop is exact and the other until a change is entered.

Homework Answers

Answer #1

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
   int n[20],count,i=0,series=0;
   float parallel,temp =0;
   // User input for no.of resistors
   cout << "Enter the no.of resistors: ";
   cin >> count;
   cout << "Enter resistor values:\n";
   // loop for enter the resistor values
   while(count != 0)
      cin >> n[i];
      if(n[i] == 0)
   //loop to calculate series & parallel resistance
   for(int j =0;j<i;j++)
       series = series + n[j];
       temp = temp + (1/ (float)n[j]);
   parallel = 1/temp;
   // Displays the series & parallel resistance
   cout << "series resistance:" << series << "\n";
   cout << "parallel resistance:"<<fixed<< setprecision(6) <<parallel;
   return 0;

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