Endurance exercise:
- Endurance exercises includes bicycling, it may involve walking
on treadmill, and swimming
- The phenotype induced by endurance exercise are mitochondrial
- This is characterized by fatigue resistance due in part to
increased oxidative capacity secondary to increased mitochondrial
- Aerobic exercises improves functional ability to better extent,
it improves muscle endurance
Resistance exerexercis:
- It involves pumping iron,
- The phenotypes induced by resistance exercise are myofibrillar
protein accretion
- This results in strengthening muscle fiber cross sectional
- It improves muscle strength
2. Definition of water toxication:
When the water is over hydrated with water leads to water
Definition of heat exhaustion
It is a condition of fatigue and weakness usually with normal
body temperature which results from prolonged heat exposure
Complications of water intoxication and heat
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Diarrhoea
- Fainting
- Clammy skin
- Sweating and cold