
Write a sequence of two instructions that copies bits 0-5 from AL to bits 0-5 in...

Write a sequence of two instructions that copies bits 0-5 from AL to bits 0-5 in BL. Bits 6-7 in BL should be cleared, and AL should be unchanged


      Mov al, bl

      And 00111111, bl


Write a sequence of two instructions that copies the integer in bits 4-7 from AL register into bits 0-3 of the BL register. Upper 4 bits of AL and BL will be cleared


      Shr al, 4

      Mov bl, al


Code instructions that jump to the label L1 when either bit 2 or 3 is set in DL register

      Test dl, 00001100

      Jnz L1




Write instructions that implement following pseudo code by conditional jump.

If (eax>ecx)

Mov dl, +7


Mov dl, -2


      Cmp eax, ecx

      Jg L1

      Mov dl, -2


      Jmp L2



      Mov dl, 7


What will be final values of xc and dx when following code executes


Array SWORD 4,-2,5,8,-3,7,1,0


Mov cx,1

Mov esi,2

Mov ax,array[esi]

Mov bx,array[esi+4]

Cmp ax, 3

Jae L2

Cmp bx,4

Jb L1

Jmp L3

L1: mov xc,4

L2: mov dx,5

Jmp L4

L3: mov dx,6

      Cx = 1

      Dx =5


What is the decimal representation of ollowing binary number?





In the following code sequence, show the value of AL after each shift or rotate instruction

Mov al, 8Ch

Sar al,1

      8C: 10001100

      Sar 1: 11000110 (C6)

Mov al, 6Bh

Ror al,1

      6B: 01101011

      Ror 1: 10110101 (B5)


Mov al, 0D4h

Rcl al,1

      D4: 11010100

      Rcl: 10101001 (A9)


Please indicate whether each statement is T or F

      Test instruction always alters destination operand: F

      JBE instruction is used when comparing unsigned integers: T

      JECXZ instruction jumps to target label when the CX register is equal to zero: F

      OR instruction canbe used to find intersection of two bit mapped sets: F

      Following code will jump to label named Target: T

            Mov eax, -72

            Cmp eax, 30

            Ja Target

Suppose in a system the datae field packs the year,month, and day into 16 bits as following

      DH    DL

      00100110    01101010

      Year: bits 9-15

      Month bits 5-8

      Day bits 0-4


A) Write a code to extract day field from register DX and save it in day label

      Mov al,dl

      And dl, 0001111

      Mov day,al


B) Write code to extract month field from DX and save it in month label


      Mov ax, dx

      Shr ax, 5

      And 00001111h, ax

      Mov month, al


Which statement is true about what will happne when the example code runs, draw the stack frame and explain the reason.

1: main PROC
2:   push 10

3:   push 20

4:   call Ex2sub5:   pop eax

6:   INVOKE ExitProcess,0

7: main ENDP

9: EX2Sub PROC

10:   popeax

11:   ret


Write a program that jumps to a label if any of the bits 0,1,7 are set in AL, without changing the value

      Test al, 10000011

      Jnz L1


In the following instruction sequence, show resulting value of AL where indicated in hexadecimal

      Mov al, 3Dh

      And al,74h

            3D: 00111101

            74: 01110100

            AL=00110100 (34h)


      Mov al,9Bh

      Or al, 35h



            AL=10111111 (BFh)


Implement the following pseudocode in assembly.

      If (val1>ecx) AND (ecx>edx)





            Cmp val1,ecx

            Jna fail

            Cmp ecx,edx

            Jna fail

            Mov x,1

            jmp L2

            Fail: mov x,2


What will be the final value in EDX after code executes?

      Mov edx,1

      Mov eax,7FFFh

      Cmp eax,8000h

      Jl L1

      Mov edx,0



      Edx = 0


Use following variable definitions for following question


      Var1 SBYTE -4,-2,3,1

      Var2 WORD 1000h, 2000h, 3000h, 4000h

      Var 3 SWORD -16,-42

What will be hex value of destination operand after each of following instructions execute in sequence?

      Mov al, var1

            -4 (FCh)

      Mov ah,[var1+3]


      Movsx ebx,var1

Homework Answers

Answer #1

I assume that a brief explanation is asked in the questions. and I have answered some parts.

but it should be clearly mentioned in question what is required  

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