
In assembly masm use the code below! Write a program that reverse a string using indirect...

In assembly masm use the code below! Write a program that reverse a string using indirect addressing (may not use the stack - push/pop). The string will be given by the user and be up to 64 characters long 

  MAX = 64

  source       BYTE MAX DUP('#'),0
  destination  BYTE LENGTHOF source DUP('*'),0
  actual_length DWORD ?
  ask BYTE "Enter a String: ",0
 main proc
    ; ask user for input
    mov edx, OFFSET ask
    call WriteString
    ; read string from keyboard 
    mov edx, OFFSET source                 ; where to put string from keyboard 
    mov ecx, LENGTHOF source        ; max num char to get (dont' over fill) 
    call ReadString                 ; get string 
    mov actual_length, eax          ; how long is the string 

    call WriteString

    mov esi, OFFSET source
    mov ecx, SIZEOF source
    call ShowBuffer

 main ENDP

; show ALL char is a buffer 
;   does not stop at null 
; ecx - must be length of buffer
; esi - must be address (offset) of buffer
ShowBuffer PROC
    mov ebx, 0
    call CRLF
    call CRLF
        mov eax, 0              ; zero out all of register  
        mov al, bl              ; copy over index value
        call WriteDec           ; print index 
        mwrite<" : ">           ; add space
        mov al, [esi]           ; get a single char from buffer
        call WriteChar          ; show char
        mwrite<" [">            ; add space
        call WriteDec           ; ASCII value
        mwrite<"] ">            ; add space
        call CRLF               ; newline
        add esi, TYPE BYTE      ; update address (where is char) 
        inc bl                  ;   
    loop TOP
    call CRLF
ShowBuffer ENDP

END main

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Answer #1

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  MAX = 64
Data Segment
  str1 db \'String_Reverse\',\'$\'  
  strlen1 dw $-str1
  strrev db 20 dup(\' \')
Data Ends

Code Segment
  Assume cs:code, ds:data
    mov ax, data
    mov ds, ax
    mov es, ax
    mov cx, strlen1
    add cx, -2
    lea si, str1
    lea di, strrev
    add si, strlen1
    add si, -2
       mov al, [si]
       mov [di], al
       dec si
       inc di
       loop L1
       mov al, [si]
       mov [di], al
       inc di
       mov dl, \'$\'
       mov [di], dl
       mov ah, 09h
       lea dx, strrev
       int 21h
       mov ax, 4c00h
       int 21h
Code Ends
End Begin
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