
C++ project The project will allow you to create a system for tracking the games and...

C++ project

The project will allow you to create a system for tracking the games and the scores in terms of graphics, story and replay value and will compute the highest score in each category and the highest overall score. The system will allow you to track 5 games in the following arrays: 1) A string array for the game titles 2) An int array for graphics scores from 1 to 5 3) An int array for replay value from 1 to 5 (1 being the worst score and 5 being the best score) The main function will allow the user to call the following functions: 1. Enter Game Titles 2. Enter Graphic Scores 3. Enter Replay Scores 4. Find the highest graphic score 5. Find the highest replay value score 6. Find the highest combined score 7. Exit Note you can assume that the steps in the menu will be executed in order. 1) Function1 : enterGameInfo() This function will ask the user for the 5 game titles and store them in an array which will be accessible throughout the program. Enter game title: 2) Function: enterGraphicInfo() This function will ask the user for the 5 graphic scores and store them in an array while referring to the game title. Enter the graphic score for the game title [Game Title]: 3) Function: enterReplayInfo() This function will ask the user for the 5replay value scores and store them in an array while referring to the game title. Enter the replay value for the game title [Game Title]: 4) Function: getHighestGraphics() A function that will get as parameters the game title array and the graphics score array. The function will find the highest graphic score and will print the following: “The highest rated graphics game is [Game Title] with a score of [Highest Score]” If multiple games have the same graphic score, chose the last highest score in the array. 5) Function: getHighestReplay() A function that will get as parameters the game title array and the replay score array. The function will find the highest replay score and will print the following: “The highest rated replay game is [Game Title] with a score of [Highest Score]” If multiple games have the same graphic score, chose the last highest score in the array. 6) Function: getHighestCombined() A function that per game will add the graphics score and the replay value score as one score and add the new combined score a new array while finding the highest combined score. The function will print the following: “The highest rated combined score game is [Game Title] with a score of [Highest Score]” Notes: Make sure you can enter games with spaces Make sure you create the functions specified Grading Criteria: 1. Enter Game Titles (5 pts) 2. Enter Graphic and Replay Scores (5 pts) 3. Find the highest graphic and replay value score (5 pts) 4. Find the highest combined score (5 pts)

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Answer #1

C++ Program with comments:


The project will allow you to create a system for tracking the games and the scores in terms of graphics,
story and replay value and will compute the highest score in each category and the highest overall score.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

#define NOOFGAMES 5

//1) A string array for the game titles
string gametitles[NOOFGAMES];

// 2) An int array for graphics scores from 1 to 5
int graphicsscores[NOOFGAMES];

//3) An int array for replay value from 1 to 5
int replayvalue[NOOFGAMES];

//1) Function1 : enterGameInfo() This function will ask the user for the 5 game titles
//and store them in an array which will be accessible throughout the program. Enter game title:
void enterGameInfo()
   string str;
   for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
       cout << "Enter Game Title" << endl;
       cin >> str;
       gametitles[i] = str;

//2) Function: enterGraphicInfo() This function will ask the user for the 5 graphic scores
//and store them in an array while referring to the game title.
//Enter the graphic score for the game title [Game Title]:

void enterGraphicInfo()
   int score;
   for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
       cout << "Enter the graphic score for the Game Title [" << gametitles[i] <<"]"<<endl;
       cin >> score;
       if (score < 1 || score > 5)
           cout << "Graphic Scores range between 1 and 5" << endl;
           graphicsscores[i] = score;

//3) Function: enterReplayInfo()
//This function will ask the user for the 5replay value scores and store them in an array
//while referring to the game title. Enter the replay value for the game title [Game Title]:

void enterReplayInfo()
   int score;
   for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
       cout << "Enter the replay value for the Game Title [" << gametitles[i] << "]" << endl;
       cin >> score;
       if (score < 1 || score > 5)
           cout << "Replay Values range between 1 and 5" << endl;
           replayvalue[i] = score;

//4) Function: getHighestGraphics() A function that will get as parameters the game title array
//and the graphics score array. The function will find the highest graphic score and will print the following:
//“The highest rated graphics game is [Game Title] with a score of [Highest Score]”
//If multiple games have the same graphic score, chose the last highest score in the array.

void getHighestGraphics()
   int maxscore = 0;
   string title;
   for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
       if (graphicsscores[i] >= maxscore)
           maxscore = graphicsscores[i];
           title = gametitles[i];
   cout << "The highest rated graphics game is [" << title << "] with a score of [" << maxscore << "]" << endl;

//5) Function: getHighestReplay() A function that will get as parameters the
//game title array and the replay score array.
//The function will find the highest replay score and will print the following:
//“The highest rated replay game is [Game Title] with a score of [Highest Score]”
//If multiple games have the same graphic score, chose the last highest score in the array.

void getHighestReplay()
   int maxscore = 0;
   string title;
   for (int i = 0; i < NOOFGAMES; i++)
       if (replayvalue[i] >= maxscore)
           maxscore = replayvalue[i];
           title = gametitles[i];
   cout << "The highest rated Replay game is [" << title << "] with a score of [" << maxscore << "]" << endl;

//6) Function: getHighestCombined() A function that per game will add the graphics score
//and the replay value score as one score and add the new combined score a new array while
//finding the highest combined score. The function will print the following:
//“The highest rated combined score game is [Game Title] with a score of [Highest Score]”

void getHighestCombined()
   int combinedscore[NOOFGAMES];
   int maxscore = 0;
   string title;
   for (int i = 0; i < NOOFGAMES; i++)
       combinedscore[i] = graphicsscores[i] + replayvalue[i];
       if (combinedscore[i] >= maxscore)
           maxscore = combinedscore[i];
           title = gametitles[i];
   cout << "The highest rated combined score game is [" << title << "] with a score of [" << maxscore << "]" << endl;

int main()
   //The main function will allow the user to call the following functions:
   //1. Enter Game Titles
   //2. Enter Graphic Scores 3. Enter Replay Scores 4. Find the highest graphic score
   //5. Find the highest replay value score 6. Find the highest combined score
   //7. Exit
   bool flag = true;
   int i, response;

   while (flag)
       cout << "Select option from Menu" << endl;
       cout << "1. Enter Game titles" << endl;
       cout << "2. Enter graphic scores" << endl;
       cout << "3. Enter Replay Scores " << endl;
       cout << "4. Find the highest graphic score" << endl;
       cout << "5. Find the highest replay value score" << endl;
       cout << "6. Find the highest combined score" << endl;
       cout << "7. Exit" << endl;

       cin >> response;

       switch (response)
       case 1:
       case 2:
       case 3:
       case 4:
       case 5:
       case 6:
       case 7:
           flag = false;
           cout << "Invalid option. Try again" << endl;

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