
Question 2 (10) There are three steps (open, action, close) required for handling files. You need...

Question 2 (10)
There are three steps (open, action, close) required for handling files. You need to write a Python program what executes each of these three steps. Your program must include:
 Extensive comments to ensure explanation of your code (1).
 Open a file (file name must include your student number, thus filexxxxxxxx.txt). (1).
 Write the details of the five students (from Question 1 above) to a file (3).
 Close the file. (1)
 Then open the file again (1).
 Write the contents of the file to display on the screen (3).

Please make thre answer simple for a beginner, Thank you.

Homework Answers

Answer #1

Hi. I have answered previous version of this question before. Here is the completed code for this problem. Comments are included, go through it, learn how things work and let me know if you have any doubts or if you need anything to change. If you are satisfied with the solution, please rate the answer. Thanks

EDIT: screenshots attached.


# Student class
class Student:
    # constructor initializing student fields to default values
def __init__(self):
        self.__name = '' # string name, ex: John
self.__number = 0 # int number, ex: 100
self.__contact = '' # string contact number, ex: 123-457-9991
self.__id = '' # string id number, ex: ABC112

    # method to read data from user and fill the fields of this Student
def populate(self):
        self.__name = input('Enter name: ')
        self.__number = int(input('Enter student number: '))
        self.__contact = input('Enter contact number: ')
        self.__id = input('Enter ID number: ')

    # method to display student's data to console
def display(self):
        print('Name:', self.__name)
        print('Student number:', self.__number)
        print('Contact number:', self.__contact)
        print('ID number:', self.__id)

    #returns a string containing student details
def __str__(self):
        text = "Name: " + self.__name + ", Student number: " + str(self.__number) + ", Contact number:" \
               + self.__contact + ", ID number: " + self.__id
        return text

    # end of Student class

# main method

def main():
    # creating a list to store details of 5 students
studList = []
    # looping for 5 times
for i in range(5):
        # creating a Student instance
studentObj = Student()
        # populating student's fields
        # adding to list
        print() #line break

    #replace 0001 with your student number
#opening file in write mode (open)
    #looping through each student in list
for stud in studList:
        # writing student data to the file (__str__() method will be invoked) (action)
    #closing file, saving changes (close)

    #opening file in read mode (open)
    print('File contents:')
    #displaying file contents (action)
    #closing file (close)



Enter name: Olive

Enter student number: 101

Enter contact number: 1234567890

Enter ID number: A1200

Enter name: John

Enter student number: 102

Enter contact number: 1234567891

Enter ID number: A1201

Enter name: Kevin

Enter student number: 103

Enter contact number: 1234567892

Enter ID number: A1202

Enter name: Jane

Enter student number: 201

Enter contact number: 1112223331

Enter ID number: C10101

Enter name: Cathy

Enter student number: 202

Enter contact number: 1112223332

Enter ID number: C10102

File contents:

Name: Olive, Student number: 101, Contact number:1234567890, ID number: A1200

Name: John, Student number: 102, Contact number:1234567891, ID number: A1201

Name: Kevin, Student number: 103, Contact number:1234567892, ID number: A1202

Name: Jane, Student number: 201, Contact number:1112223331, ID number: C10101

Name: Cathy, Student number: 202, Contact number:1112223332, ID number: C10102

Code screenshot

Output screenshot

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