
A computer system has 16 processing registers R0,···,R15, where each register has 32-bit storage capacity. The...

A computer system has 16 processing registers R0,···,R15, where each register has 32-bit storage capacity. The computer system uses a common bus system for data transfer between registers, memory and ALU. Answer the following questions if common bus is designed using multiplexers

  1. Size of each MUX needed for the design
  2. Number of MUXs needed
  3. Size of the bus (in bits)

Homework Answers

Answer #1

Number of MUX needed= Number of bits in the register.

As here we have 32 registers so we need 32 MUX.

And the size of the MUX = 16 X 1

Size of the BUS= Number of registers= 16

I'm giving you a small example below with 4, 4-bit registers.

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