
What materials are used for sanitary sewer construction? For water mains? For storm sewers? For manholes?

What materials are used for sanitary sewer construction? For water mains? For storm sewers? For manholes?

Homework Answers

Answer #1

Materials used for sanitary sewage construction :

1 Bricks

2 Vitrified clays or stoneware pipes

3 Cement concrete pipes

a) Pre-cast

b) Cast-insitu

4 Cast iron pipes

5 Mixture of cement and asbestos fibre

For water mains :

1 Lead

2 Copper

3 Brass

4 Ductile Iron

5 Galvanized Iron

For storm sewers :

1 High density poly-ethylene

2 Fibre reinforced plastic

3 concrete

4 Galvanized steel

For manholes:

1 Green sand

2 Silica sand

3 Clay

4 Molten iron

5 Manganese

6 Coal, water and organics

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