Question:Organic acids mobilise P but they are also rapidly
decomposed. Explain by which mechanisms plants increase...
Organic acids mobilise P but they are also rapidly
decomposed. Explain by which mechanisms plants increase...
Organic acids mobilise P but they are also rapidly
decomposed. Explain by which mechanisms plants increase the
effectiveness of organic acids in mobilising P.
Malate doesnot mobilises P (Phosphorus), but this has been
overcomed by organic acids such as citrate, where it is further
broken down only in the soil and hence mobilise P present inn Ca-P
rich soil from one soil to another type. This is due to the action
of protons and citrate anion released from the citric acid when in
contact with the soil.
The release of low molecular weight organic acids into the
soil, especially near the rhizosphere. makes its ability to uptake
more Phosphorus.
Hence, the major mechanism involved here is the ability of
organic acids to fuse with metal cations available in the soil
thereby competing with the phosphorus to adsorb to the soil and
hence releasing these P to other sites.