
Independent Sample T-Test Researchers were interested in determining whether grounding techniques can decrease the length of...

Independent Sample T-Test

Researchers were interested in determining whether grounding techniques can decrease the length of panic attacks with people diagnosed with severe anxiety disorder. Subjects were randomly assigned into two different groups. Group 1 served as a control group, while Group 2 were taught various grounding techniques to manage their anxiety. Subjects were instructed to time their next panic attack and to record the length in minutes. Alpha (level of significance) was set at .05.

  1. State the null and alternate hypotheses.
  2. Complete the table below:

No Grounding


Sample Size



Sample Mean



Sample Standard Deviation



Estimated Standard Error



Group Statistics




Std. Deviation

Std. Error Mean


Without grounding





With grounding





Answer the following questions using the table below.

  1. What is the mean difference?
  2. What was the t value and degrees of freedom?
  3. What was the p value?
  4. Draw a conclusion based on the hypotheses.

Independent Samples Test



Sig. (2-tailed)

Mean Difference

Std. Error Difference

95% Confidence Interval Lower

95% Confidence Interval Upper









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