Question:dentify and describe two authentic assessments used to observe
and collect data that positively benefit student...
dentify and describe two authentic assessments used to observe
and collect data that positively benefit student...
dentify and describe two authentic assessments used to observe
and collect data that positively benefit student growth or possibly
highlight areas of concern
One assessment that can be used to track student growth is
Response to Intervention (RTI). RTI is an assessment that applies
to all students in identifying the student’s instructional needs.
RTI provides the framework for determining what strategies could be
most beneficial to increase student achievement. These services may
be provided by a variety of personnel, including general education
teachers, special educators, and specialists. While RTI models may
vary from state to state, most models consists of 3-4 tiers.
The MAP Growth assessment gives each student the opportunity to
see how much they have grown—and can motivate them to make growth
goals.Assessment data from MAP Growth can be used to inform
students and parents about academic progress, as well as to guide
teaching, so data conversations will most likely be