
How does the amount of voltage produced by the magnet relate to the magnet’s motion? Connect...

How does the amount of voltage produced by the magnet relate to the magnet’s motion? Connect the amount of voltage and current in the speaker circuit to the volume of the speaker.

Homework Answers

Answer #1

This can be explained based on Faradays law of electromagnetic induction.we connect a galvanometer to a coil to measure the induced emf.If we move a magnet towards the coil the galvanometer deflects in one direction.If the magnet is held stationery then there is no deflection of galvanometer.If the magnet is moving in the opposite direction the galvanometer deflects in the opposite direction.The deflection of galvanometer shows an induced emf.Farday explained this by his law.The law states that a voltage is induced in a circuit when ever relative motion exists between conductor and magnetic field and the magnitude of this voltage is proportional to rate of change of flux.

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