Here, we could face major challenge
with an in sourcing/outsourcing analysis that is all about
gathering reliable data, there are various groups that should be
involved when conducting an in sourcing /outsourcing analysis, let
me state such groups and the information each group should provide,
these are as stated below:
- Engineering and product
development group should be involved when conducting an in
sourcing /outsourcing analysis, they could provide critical
information on raw material requirements, component requirements.
We require several information like quantities as needed for each
items, specific items or materials as needed for product design and
development, when they need the items, etc.
- Market research Group
should be involved when conducting an in sourcing
/outsourcing analysis, as they could share marketing related
information, they could derive market needs, trends of the
societies and needs and expectation of the societies.
- Consulting group also
should be involved when conducting an in sourcing
/outsourcing analysis; they could share their expert guidance and
critical knowledge/solution as needed for in sourcing /outsourcing
analysis. With their guidance, team could receive needed
information on in sourcing /outsourcing analysis. They could
expedite the organizational tasks by putting their consultation and
team finds help with clearing their doubts.
- Purchase or procurement
groups can also be involved when conducting an in sourcing
/outsourcing analysis; as they can use past data related to
procurements and they can perform analysis on such data, gather
useful information from such data, with such information and
knowledge, they could assist in the in sourcing /outsourcing
analysis. They also can collect various fact/ information like past
performance of the suppliers, materials and any applicable or
underlying issues.
- Research and development
team should also be involved when conducting an in
sourcing /outsourcing analysis; as, they can perform research tasks
on whether, they should do in source or outsource, they could help
in critical decision making and bring useful, unique and new
information that could contribute to in sourcing /outsourcing