
QUESTION 1 1. Brianna is trying to increase her chances of being promoted to vice president...

QUESTION 1 1. Brianna is trying to increase her chances of being promoted to vice president by working to build good work relationships with other managers outside her own department. Brianna's behavior should be viewed as dysfunctional politics. functional politics. coercive power. functional influence. 2 points QUESTION 2 1. The Gingerbread Factory has a separate unit that makes their chocolate crunch cookies and another unit that is completely responsible for all operations in producing their ginger snap cookies. The Gingerbread Factory has a __________ organizational structure. nontraditional consolidated functional divisional 2 points QUESTION 3 1. Starbucks got it "right" because they created a consistent ________ no matter what franchise you are in anywhere in the world. organization experience intervention effort 2 points QUESTION 4 1. In organizational development, a consultant usually tries to slow down or prevent change. 2. True 3. False 1 points QUESTION 5 1. A sexual harrassment claim can only be made if it involves a supervisor or a manager. True False 1 points QUESTION 6 1. Manner of dress is a form of nonverbal communication. True False 1 points QUESTION 7 1. Group conflict can lead to high quality decisions. True False 1 points QUESTION 8 1. An example of autocratic decision making is when the director asks for input from workers about closing the office early on Fridays but then makes a decision alone. the supervisor decides which word processing software is to be used on all of the computers. the salespeople agree after a discussion to offer a discount on orders over $1,000. a vote is taken among secretaries to trade Veterans Day for the day after Thanksgiving as a vacation day. 2 points QUESTION 9 1. The least preferred coworker is the one with whom the leader has the least contact. 2. True 3. False 1 points QUESTION 10 1. Employees often perform work tasks simply because their bosses tell them to do so. This is an example of __________ power. expert legitimate referent reward 2 points QUESTION 11 1. Ken is one of four product managers in one organization and Lisa is vice president of sales for all products in another organization. Ken's organization reflects a __________ design while Lisa's reflects a __________ design. centralized, decentralized decentralized, centralized divisional, functional functional, divisional 2 points QUESTION 12 1. Chip Conley applied Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs to the workplace. He revised the pyramid to include all of the following except: survival happiness success transformation 2 points QUESTION 13 1. Serving as a communication source is linked to increased power in the workplace. True False 1 points QUESTION 14 1. According to Fiedler's contingency model, task-oriented leaders are always more likely to be successful. 2. True 3. False 1 points QUESTION 15 1. Tara wants the Vice President of the Gingerbread Factory to know about the sudden resignation of one of her co-workers but she suspects that it will take several days for that news to travel through the formal channels. Tara mentions the news to her office manager in passing, knowing that the office manager has lunch with the VP's administrative assistant every day. Tara is assuming which communication method will get that message up to the VP? The Y chain The Circle The Grapevine The All-Channel 2 points QUESTION 16 1. When Sal, a manufacturing manager, realized that an important shipment might be late, he asked the assistant manager for her ideas about how to revise the shipping schedule so that this would not happen again. Sal ultimately decided what changes to make to the shipping schedule. According to the decision-making model, Sal used the __________ style. autocratic I autocratic II consultative I consultative II 2 points QUESTION 17 1. Gaining work-related expertise can increase one's power in an organization. True False 1 points QUESTION 18 1. In a university setting, professors are typically designated as line employees. staff employees. both line and staff employees. neither line nor staff employees. 2 points QUESTION 19 1. At the Gingebread Factory, a new employment policy has been established by the Executive Council, which sends a memo to the Vice President of Human Resources, who then forwards it to the department directors, who pass it along to their supervisors, who will share it with their respective department employees. This is an example of the _____ network. Circle Y All-Channel Wheel 2 points QUESTION 20 1. In Jean's work group, project decisions are made by concensus. She often does not agree with her coworkers and refuses to agree to project ideas. Jean would be classified as a(n) dominator. blocker. gatekeeper. opinion giver. 2 points QUESTION 21 1. One way to increase power is to increase dependency on other people. 2. True 3. False 1 points QUESTION 22 1. Per Dan Ariely, all people care about is money, and the moment we give them money, we can direct them to work one way or another. This is why we give bonuses to bankers and pay in all kinds of ways. True False 1 points QUESTION 23 1. A coworker reports an error you made to the manager. You are mad and get back at her by starting an ugly rumor about her. This is an illustration of reciprocal power. the power corollary. illegal power. illegitimate power. 2 points QUESTION 24 1. If supervisors hold positive expectations about the performance of their employees, such as believing that they can solve a challenging problem, performance improves. This is an example of the _____ effect. halo pygmalion snowball long-term 2 points QUESTION 25 1. Generally, the encoding skills of the sender have little effect on the effectiveness of communication. True False 1 points QUESTION 26 1. Larry is the best mechanic in his racing team's pit crew. Everyone knows that Larry knows everything about cars, and because of this they will follow his orders. This is due to Larry's __________ power. expert legitimate referent reward 2 points QUESTION 27 1. Karen threatens her employees with firing them unless productivity improves. This is an example of __________ power. expert legitimate coercive referent 2 points QUESTION 28 1. Beth was recently hired to conduct a survey of employee attitudes for a large organization. As an OD consultant, her first step should be providing relevant scientific research. data gathering and diagnosis. joint action planning. evaluation. 2 points QUESTION 29 1. A marketing specialist works with an artist and a designer to develop new toys for children. Sometimes conflict occurs when the group makes decisions. These people are probably employed by a traditionally structured organization. functionally structured organization. nontraditionally structured organization. centralized organizational structure. 2 points QUESTION 30 1. Hector and Janet have both been temporarily removed from their regular jobs to work with a group charged with planning and organizing an open house for their organization. These two people are part of a project task force. product support group. traditional organization. team organization. 2 points QUESTION 31 1. Censoring a message is characteristic of filtering. True False 1 points QUESTION 32 1. According to Simon Sinek's law of diffusion of innovation, the first 2.5% of our population are our __________, the next 13.5% of our population are our ___________, and the next 34% are our __________ users of new products. early adopters, majority, followers innovators, early adopters, majority innovators, followers, early adopters early adopters, followers, majority 2 points QUESTION 33 1. According to Fiedler’s contingency model, Kevan will be an effective leader if he has a lot of control and influence over the situation that is affecting his employees. has a poor relationship with his employees. has limited power inherent in his leadership position. All of the above 2 points QUESTION 34 1. Please fill in the blanks using the appropriate terms that were presented through the first half of the semester (PLEASE NOTE THAT THE TERMS MUST BE SPELLED CORRECTLY): You run a small company that provides I/O consulting services to large corporations. You have decided that you are in need of an additional administrative assistant. In preparation for this, you decide to complete a to accurately determine what this new employee's roles and responsibilities will be. The results of this helped you create a that you use to recruit the right candidate. You find two potential candidates with impressive resumes and decide to call them in to interview with two of your department managers. You notice that one of your managers walks into the interview room with a clipboard and a list of questions, you assume that she is likely going to conduct a interview. You observe that your other department manager appears to be having a casual conversation with the candidate he is interviewing, leading you to believe that he is conducting a interview. You and your managers agree that one of the two candidates is a better fit for your company and you hire her. On her first day as your employee, she must attend , an all-day training. She will also receive training working alongside an experienced administrative assistant for the first several weeks. It has now been 2 months and the employee has successfully passed the probation period. You contact her to request a time that she can meet with you for her first . You would like to gather as much information about how she has adjusted to her role and responsibilities so you decide to employ a evaluation method, asking the employee, her managers, and her fellow co-workers to rate her. You notice that one of your managers scores this employee low across multiple domains while everyone else scores her average and above average. When you discuss this with him, he keeps bringing up a recent conflict that they had over some paperwork that she misplaced and, although he admits that this is the only negative incident that he has experienced with her, he states that he feels very strongly that this event is indicative of her overall work performance. You suspect that the manager is showing some bias in his judgment, possibly based on the . One week later, you meet with your employee to discuss her experience over the past two months. You provide praise for areas that she is excelling in and discuss areas that she has shown some struggles in, such as keeping important files in order. You provide a possible solution to this issue such as using a color-coded folders to keep track of different departmental forms. Your employee discloses that she does not feel confident that she will be able to keep up with this system, indicating low with organizational skills. You assure her that once she gets used to the color-coded system, she will gain confidence in this area. You check in with her one month later and find that she has in fact successfully adopted the color coded system and has not misplaced anymore files! 10 points QUESTION 35 1. The power base that is most strongly and consistently linked to member satisfaction with the person wielding the power is reward power. coercive power. referent power. expert power. 2 points QUESTION 36 1. Wendy and Ben both wanted to make their department's presentation at the next stockholders meeting. Ben gave in to Wendy's wishes and did not include his portion of the presentation because he wants to maintain a good relationship with her. Ben used which of the following conflict resolution strategies? Accommodation Compromise Avoidance Collaboration 2 points QUESTION 37 1. The "impersonality" of bureaucracies refers to the fact that people rarely have the opportunity to get to know one another. work-related decisions are based on logic rather than emotions. workers are so rigidly controlled that they lose their individual identities. workers treat customers with unfriendly attitudes. 2 points QUESTION 38 1. Which of the following conflict resolution strategies results in a win-win situation? collaboration compromise avoidance accommodation 2 points QUESTION 39 1. The ___________ theory predicts that Eric will feel low levels of satisfaction at his job if he believes his boss does not care about him or his work. Leader-member exchange Universalist Decision-making Path-goal 2 points QUESTION 40 1. Please fill in the blanks with the following key words: participative, authoritarian, delegative, high, low, more, less YOU MUST SPELL THE WORDS CORRECTLY TO RECEIVE CREDIT--A MISSPELLED WORD WILL NOT BE RECOGNIZED AS A CORRECT ANSWER. In Kurt Lewin et al’s 1939 leadership styles study, children who demonstrated styles were more likely to be perceived as the boss in their arts and crafts group. This group appeared to be productive than other groups. The children who used styles were very engaged with their group and, although the group was productive, their arts and crafts project results were of quality. The groups that had children who used a style demonstrated cooperation with each other. 7 points QUESTION 41 1. Bob and his friends find a bag full of cash on the subway train they are riding. The group has decided to keep the money and split it amongst themselves instead of turning it in to the police. Match the groupthink "symptom" that best describes the statement Bob might make to himself to justify the decision to go along with this plan: Direct conformity pressure Illusion of unanimity Self-censorship Illusion of invulnerability Illusion of morality A. "There's no way we are going to get caught, no one saw that the bag wasn't ours." B. "This money probably belongs to drug dealers and if they had it they would buy more drugs to sell to innocent people, so it's in better hands with us. At least we can do something good with it." C. "Everyone seems to be in agreement to take the money so I might as well go along." D. "I think we should turn in the money but I'm not going to say anything." E. "Joe just looked at me funny, I think the other guys will just take my share if I say no and then threaten me." 5 points QUESTION 42 1. When low power members band together to increase their power, this is an example of referent power. a coalition. coercive power. the power corollary. 2 points QUESTION 43 1. Several salespeople disagree with their team about how the new product introduction should be handled. This is an example of what level of conflict? intragroup intraorganizational intergroup interorganizational 2 points QUESTION 44 1. For the past ten years, Ryan has worked in a group in which each member is skilled, knowledgeable, and performs a variety of jobs. He enjoys his job except for the conflict that arises when the group makes decisions. Ryan works in a project task force. product support group. traditional organization. team organization. 2 points QUESTION 45 1. Group polarization involves groups becoming more cohesive over time. group members collaborating with each other on a task. groups making decisions that are less extreme than those of individuals. groups making decisions that are more extreme than those of individuals. 2 points QUESTION 46 1. Written procedures and job descriptions typically reduce organizational politics. True False 1 points QUESTION 47 1. An organization with a long chain of command and a narrow span of control is referred to as a __________ organization. short flat tall lean 2 points QUESTION 48 1. Employees who are competent, hard-working, and dedicated typically advance in an organization without using influence and politics. True False 1 points QUESTION 49 1. The larger culture of a nation or society usually has very little influence on the culture within organizations. 2. True 3. False 1 points

Homework Answers

Answer #1

Question 1.

Briana is trying to influence others by making good relationships with others, thus, she is trying to manipulate instead of working hard to get to that position. Hence, Briana's efforts are dysfunctional as it can cause harm to the internal stability of the company.

Answer. Dysfunctional politics.

Question 2

The gingerbread factory has separate units for producing separate products, hence, it has different divisions that produce different parts of the same products, it means it has a divisional structure..

Answer. Divisional

Question 3

Starbucks got it right because they delivered their product with the same quality assurance and same taste across the nation with their experience, and they maintained it.

Answer. Experience.

Question 4

Consultants in any organization is to make the work of the organization smoothly, to look for the impediments and to solve them, so the work goes on without interruption. Thus, they work for change and to function at a fast pace.

Answer. False.

Question 5

Answer. False.

Question 6

Answer. True

Question 7

Answer. True

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