1st question:
The cause of acute lymphocytic leukemia is multifactorial. That
means more than one factor is responsible for the development of
the ALL. The risk factors for ALL are:
- Prenatal exposure to X-rays
- Post-natal exposure to radiation
- Exposure to high levels of chemicals like benzenes,
chloramphenicol, Arsenic
- Certain genetic syndrome:
- Down's syndrome
- Klinefelter syndrome
- Ataxia-telangiectasia
- Bloom syndrome
- Neurofibromatosis
- Severe congenital neutropenia
- Inherited genetic polymorphism
- rs3781093
- MMP-8 promoter
- RNA viruses - (HTLV - 1)
The widely accepted process of development of ALL is the two
step process
- The first injury occurs in utero ( antenatal life). This gives
rise to pre-leukemia clones
- The second injury occurs in the post natal life. If a child
isn't expose to injections early in life or a higher level of
hygiene is maintained during the child early days (as it occurs in
affluent nations), the body's immunity is abnormally
2nd question:
- Bone marrow aspiration and biopsy is done to obtain definitive
diagnosis of ALL
- Immunophenotying helps to identify subtype.
3rd question:
60% risk of CNS metastasis
4rth question:
- The treatment consist of chemotherapy and CNS prophylaxis
- Induction phase I- Prednisolone, vincristine, daunorobicin,
- Induction phase II - Cyclophosphomide, cytarabine,
- CNS prophylaxis consist of intrathecal chemotherapy and
concurrent cranial irradiation.