
Colonizers were more likely to limit / expand the power of government if they intended a...

Colonizers were more likely to limit / expand the power of government if they intended a short-term stay in that country.

Other things being equal, a country with a government with unchecked powers will most likely be more / less  productive than a country with a government with limited powers.

True or False: Countries that were previously colonized by European powers cannot carry out constructive institutional change.

The Economic Freedom of the World (EFW) rating of the United States rose / fell  between 2000 and 2009. Which of the following are contributing factors to this change? Check all that apply.

a. Regulations on businesses were loosened during this period.

b. Government spending on transfer payments increased during this period.

c. The private sector accounts for a greater share of credit than previously.

True or False: Democracy is a necessary criterion for economic freedom.

Homework Answers

Answer #1

As we know that, Colonization is the act of setting up a colony away from one's place of origin. Colonization refers to an act in which a strong central power dominates the surrounding areas and establishes them as its territory. It started in the 15th century. It was done with the purpose of tapping untapped resources in a region.

1). The correct option is (Limit).

2). The correct option is (more).

A government with unchecked powers seems to be more productive than the govt. With checked powers.

3). The correct option is (False).

4). The correct option is (fell).

All the three are correct.

5). The correct option is true.

Democracy is very important for the Economic freedom.

Hope you got the answer.

Kindly comment for further explanation.

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