How could your result from GC (retention time, percent area, etc.) be affected by these following things?
A. Decrease the length of column.
B. Increase the flow rate of N2 (carrier gas).
C. Microsyringe is not well rinsed.
D. Temperature of injector is set too low.
E. Sodium sulfate is not added to the sample.
The GC retention time affected by
A. Decrease the length of column decreases the separation
B. Increase the flow rate of N2 (carrier gas) reduces retention times, but a poor separation would be observed as well. Like above, the components have very little time to interact with the stationary phase and are just being pushed through the column.
C. Microsyringe is not well rinsed then the previous compounds will elute along with the original sample there by resolution will be difficult.
D. Temperature of injector is set too low leads to low separtion.The best separations are usually observed for temperature gradients, because the differences in polarity and in boiling points are used here.
E. Sodium sulfate is not added to the are not mention the sample that's we cannot tell the effect of addition of sodium sulfate
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