
Please write variables and program plan (pseudocode) of the C++ programming code below: #include <iostream> #include...

Please write variables and program plan (pseudocode) of the C++ programming code below:

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>

using namespace std;

int getWeight();
float deliveryCharge(int weight);
void displayCharge(int weight);

int main ()
   return 0;
int getWeight()
   int weight;
   cout << "Enter package weight (oz): ";
   cin >> weight;
   return weight;
float deliveryCharge(int weight)
   if (weight > 16)
       return (((weight - 16) / 4) * .50 ) + 3;  
       return 3;

void displayCharge(int weight)
   cout << "Package weight = " << weight / 16 << " lb. "
       << weight - ((weight / 16) * 16) << " oz." << endl;
   cout << "Delivery charge = $" << deliveryCharge(weight);

Homework Answers

Answer #1

Answer: Hey!! kindly find your solutions below. Let me know if any issue. Thanks.

Pseudocode: Please find pseudocode of the given c++ program.

if any query comment me in the comment box.

function deliveryCharge (weight)
if weight > 16 then
charge = (((weight - 16) / 4) * .50 ) + 3
charge = 3
end if
return charge
end function

function displayCharge (weight)
output "Package weight: " + weight / 16 + "lb. " + weight - weight / 16 * 16 + "oz. "
output "Delivery Charge: $" + deliveryCharge(weight)
end function

function getWeight
output "Enter package weight(oz):"
input weight
return weight
end function

function Main
end function

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