
Write a SQL statement which joins the parts table with the supplier table and lists the...

  1. Write a SQL statement which joins the parts table with the supplier table and lists the part_name, supplier_name for all parts in the part table. The supplier_id column in the suppliers table is the primary key in the suppliers table, and this key has been exported to the parts table where it is a foreign key. You should use an inner join for this query.
  2. Write a SQL statement which joins the parts table with the suppliers table and lists the part_name, supplier_name. You should return all rows from the parts table whether or not there are corresponding rows in the supplier table. You should use an outer join for this query.
  3. Write a SQL statement which joins the parts table with the supplier table and lists the part_no, part_name, supplier_name from parts and suppliers table. Only return the parts supplied by ‘Fred Smith ..'. You should use an inner join for this query.
  4. The faculty table contains faculty information and has a faculty_id as the primary key. The faculty_department table has the department assignments for faculty members and has the faculty_id from the faculty table as an exported key or foreign key. The department table has information about departments and has a department_id column as its primary key. The faculty_department table also has the exported key or foreign key for the department table.

Write a SQL statement to display faculty_id, first name, last name, department_id, department name (need to joins the faculty table with the faculty_department table with the department table. )Use an inner join for this query.


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