2. Given a list of 25 cities with their Latitude and Longitude geolocations.
AAA 23.670 58.190
BBB 17.020 54.090
CCC 23.530 58.390
DDD 24.340 56.700
EEE 23.250 56.500
FFF 23.850 57.430
GGG 23.590 58.530
HHH 24.180 56.880
III 22.920 57.530
JJJ 23.400 57.430
KKK 23.410 58.490
LLL 23.710 57.880
MMM 22.570 59.550
NNN 24.250 55.800
OOO 22.970 57.300
PPP 24.730 56.460
QQQ 22.570 58.120
RRR 23.610 58.540
SSS 23.630 58.540
TTT 23.990 57.100
UUU 23.780 57.630
VVV 23.300 57.980
WWW 23.250 58.900
XXX 23.600 58.520
YYY 22.720 58.530
ZZZ 26.200 56.250
1. Discuss the principle of each Cooling Schedule Techniques(linear & geometric) of the SA algorithm according to TSP from the theory point of view and practical as well.
2. Discuss the advantage and disadvantage of each technique.
3. Increase the scale of the problem (size). Instead of using the 25 cities , generate random cities, 50, 100, 1000, 2000, then analyze the effect of the scale of the problem on the performance of the AS using the different cooling techniques.
4. Include plot, tables, heat maps if applicable.
5. Try to suggest a new technique for cooling schedule. Provide motivation and justify its applicability and relevance
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