Programming with C++ language.
Write and test a version of mergeSort using the following outline:
Merge sort separates the array into 2 parts, sorts them and then uses a temporary array to merge them. Merge sort does its job recursively.
MergeSort(A, upper, lower)
if upper = lower then
middle := (upper + lower) / 2
MergeSort(A, lower, middle)
MergeSort(A, middle + 1, upper)
Merge(A, lower, middle, upper)
end if
end MergeSort
Merge is non-recursive but is more complex than MergeSort because it has 3 jobs to do. The first job copies in order as many elements as it can from the lower and upper halves of the array to the temporary array. The second and third jobs are mutually exclusive. The second job copies the elements remaining in the lower half of the array to the temporary array. These elements are in order and are greater than the elements in the temporary array. The third job does the same things that the second job does but it does them to the upper half of the array. After Merge does two of the three jobs (it always does the first job and does exactly one of the second or third jobs), it copies the temporary array to the correct positions in the array.
The first loop does the first job; the second loop does the second job and the third loop does the third job. Why are the second and third jobs mutually exclusive? Look at the 3 loops’ loop conditions.
Merge(A, lower, middle, upper)
n := upper – lower + 1
B := createArray(n)
pos := 0
left := lower
right := middle + 1
while left <= middle and right <= upper
if A[left] < A[right] then
B[pos] := A[left]
left := left + 1
B[pos] := A[right]
right := right + 1
end if
pos := pos + 1
end while
while left <= middle
B[pos] := A[left]
left := left + 1
pos := pos + 1
end while
while right <= upper
B[pos] := A[right]
right := right + 1
pos := pos + 1
end while
for pos := 0 to n – 1
A[pos + lower] := B[pos]
end for
end Merge
It is not necessary to create B in Merge. We can create B as either a global, module, or class level variable.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#define MAX 10000
void merge(int array[],int low,int mid,int high )
int temp[MAX];
int i = low;
int j = mid +1 ;
int k = low ;
while( (i <= mid) && (j <=high)
if(array[i] <= array[j])
temp[k++] =
array[i++] ;
temp[k++] =
array[j++] ;
while( i <= mid )
while( j <= high )
for(i= low; i <= high ; i++)
void merge_sort( int array[],int low, int high )
int mid;
if( low != high )
mid = (low+high)/2;
merge_sort( array,low , mid
merge_sort( array,mid+1, high
merge( array,low, mid, high
int main()
int i,n;
int array[MAX];
cout<<"Enter the number of elements : ";
cout<<"Enter elements to be sorted : ";
merge_sort( array,0, n-1);
cout<<"Sorted list is :\n";
for( i = 0 ; i<n ; i++)
return 0;
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