DIRECTIONS: IMPLEMENT QuickSort and MergeSort. You have been provided: 1. Functions to perform Merge (for MergeSort) and Partition (for QuickSort). 2. In class we discussed the body of the recursive functions, the "brakes" needed to stop the recursion. You are expected to develop 2 RECURSIVE programs: 1. Complete the bodies of the sort functions, MergeSort and QuickSort. 2. Complate the main that tests each function. - program should not read inputs - stock the program with multiple arrays (test cases) with different characteristics to demonstratrate the sort works for empty array, 1 element, 2 elements, all values same, already-sorted (ascending/descending). Note: No need to go beyond 16 elements, 3. Your main should clearly identify what the characteristics being tested, the array BEFORE sorting, the array AFTER sorting.
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
// Function: Complete the following function to merge two sorted
// into a third, merged array.
// Example: A={2,4,8}, B={1,3,5,7} ==> Merged =
// A={2,4,8}, B={} ==> Merged = {2,4,8}
// A={}, B={2,8,8} ==> Merged = {2,8,8}
void Merge(int A[], int nA, int B[], int nB, int Merged[], int
& nMerged)
int kA=0, kB=0;
nMerged = 0;
while (kA<nA && kB<nB)
if (A[kA] <= B[kB])
Merged[nMerged++] = A[kA++];
Merged[nMerged++] = B[kB++];
while (kA<nA)
Merged[nMerged++] = A[kA++];
while (kB<nB)
Merged[nMerged++] = B[kB++];
void Merge(int A[], int Asize, int lLO, int lHI, int rLO, int
int Temp[Asize+1]; // Temp array to hold the merge.
int tnext = lLO; // Cursor for temp array, filled left
to right.
int left = lLO, right = rLO;
while (left<=lHI && right <= rHI)
if (A[left] <= A[right])
Temp[tnext++] = A[left++];
Temp[tnext++] = A[right++];
//-| Copy remaining elements from A[lLO:lHI]
while (left <= lHI)
Temp[tnext++] = A[left++];
while (right <= rHI)
Temp[tnext++] = A[right++];
//-| Copy the Temp sub-array back into array
for (int k=lLO; k<=rHI; k++)
A[k] = Temp[k];
void Show(string Label, int X[], int Xsize)
cout << endl << Label;
for (int k=0; k<Xsize; k++)
cout << X[k] << '
cout << "END" << endl;
//#include "mainptalgm9600merge.cpp"
int main()
int A1[15] = {5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50}, N1;
int A2[15] = {2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22}, N2;
int A1A2[30], N12=0;
int B[8] = {3,6,9,10,2,5,10, 12};
cout << "Enter N1 N2: ";
cin >> N1 >> N2;
Show("A1: ", A1, N1);
Show("A2: ", A2, N2);
Merge(A1,N1,A2,N2, A1A2, N12);
Show("Merged A1A2: ", A1A2, N12);
Show ("array B (pre): ", B, 8);
Merge (B,8,0,3,4,7);
Show ("array B (post): ", B, 8);
return 0; // DO NOT DELETE.
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
// Function: Partition array around pivot value:
// [values < pivotVak] [pivotVal] [vals >= pivotVal]
void Partition(int A[], int Asize, int lLO, int &lHI, int
&rLO, int rHI)
int pivotVal = A[lLO]; // First value used as
int Temp[rHI+1]; // Temp array to hold the partition as it's being
int tnext = lLO; // Cursor for temp array, filled left
to right.
//-| Fill temp from left-to-right, when val <
pivot; right-to-left when >= pivot.
int left = lLO, right = rHI;
for (int k=lLO+1; k<=rHI; k++)
if (A[k] <pivotVal)
Temp[left++] = A[k];
Temp[right--] = A[k];
//-| Place pivot value at index left (should be same
as right).
Temp[right] = pivotVal;
//-| Left partition goes from lLO to left; right
from right+1 to rHI.
lHI = left-1; rLO = right+1;
//-| Copy the Temp sub-array back into array
for (int k=lLO; k<=rHI; k++)
A[k] = Temp[k];
cout << endl << "PARTITION [" <<
lLO << ":" << lHI << "] and ["
<< rLO << ":" <<
rHI << "] " << endl;
Part 1: Merge Sort:
c++ code: I have implemented 2 MergeSort function. 1 MergeSort definition for each Merge definition.
Bold text code I have updated because Previous declaration was not working with my system. If previous declaration was working for your system then you can use previous decalaration.
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
// Function: Complete the following function to merge two sorted
// into a third, merged array.
// Example: A={2,4,8}, B={1,3,5,7} ==> Merged =
// A={2,4,8}, B={} ==> Merged = {2,4,8}
// A={}, B={2,8,8} ==> Merged = {2,8,8}
void Merge(int A[], int nA, int B[], int nB, int Merged[], int
& nMerged)
int kA = 0, kB = 0;
nMerged = 0;
while (kA<nA && kB<nB)
if (A[kA] <= B[kB])
Merged[nMerged++] = A[kA++];
Merged[nMerged++] = B[kB++];
while (kA<nA)
Merged[nMerged++] = A[kA++];
while (kB<nB)
Merged[nMerged++] = B[kB++];
void Merge(int A[], int Asize, int lLO, int lHI, int rLO, int
int *Temp = new int [Asize+1]; // Temp array
to hold the merge. // updated
int tnext = lLO; // Cursor for temp array, filled left
to right.
int left = lLO, right = rLO;
while (left <= lHI && right <=
if (A[left] <= A[right])
Temp[tnext++] =
Temp[tnext++] =
//-| Copy remaining elements from A[lLO:lHI]
while (left <= lHI)
Temp[tnext++] = A[left++];
while (right <= rHI)
Temp[tnext++] = A[right++];
//-| Copy the Temp sub-array back into array
for (int k = lLO; k <= rHI; k++)
A[k] = Temp[k];
// MergeSort function using first Merge definition
void MergeSort(int A[], int LO, int HI)
// this is to check array from LO to HI contain atlest
2 element
if (LO < HI)
//calculate mid element
int mid = LO + (HI - LO) / 2;
// call recursion on to sort lower
half array from LO to mid element
MergeSort(A, LO, mid);
// call recursion on to sort upper
half array from mid+1 to HI
MergeSort(A, mid + 1, HI);
// Above to recursion call will
sort lower half and upper half array seperatly
// Merge function will now merge
sorted arrays
int merge_size;
int *merged_array = new int[HI - LO
+ 1];
Merge((A + LO), mid - LO + 1, (A +
mid + 1), HI - mid, merged_array, merge_size);
//copy merged array back to main
for (int i = 0; i < merge_size;
A[LO + i] =
// MergeSort function using second Merge definition
void MergeSort(int A[],int Asize, int LO, int HI)
// this is to check array from LO to HI contain atlest
2 element
if (LO < HI)
//calculate mid element
int mid = LO + (HI - LO) / 2;
// call recursion on to sort lower
half array from LO to mid element
MergeSort(A, Asize, LO, mid);
// call recursion on to sort upper
half array from mid+1 to HI
MergeSort(A, Asize, mid + 1,
// Above to recursion call will
sort lower half and upper half array seperatly
// Merge function will now merge
sorted arrays
Merge(A, Asize, LO, mid, mid + 1,
void Show(char* Label, int X[], int Xsize)
cout << Label;
for (int k=0; k<Xsize; k++)
cout << X[k] << ' ';
cout << endl;
int main()
int A1[11] = {5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55};
int A2[16] = {100,90,80,70,60,50,40,30,20,10,9,8,7,6,5,4};
int A3[10] = { 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 };
int A4[2] = { 10, 5 };
int A5[1] = { 9 };
int A6[10] = { 41, 25, 10, 78, 96, 52, 12, 34, 96, 10 };
int A7[10];
int A8[6] = { 0, 74, 23, 52, 21, 56 };
cout << "*************Merge Sort**************************" << endl;
cout << "\nEmpty Array Sorting :" << endl;
Show("Before sorting A :", A7, 0);
MergeSort(A7, 0,
// sorting using first definition of merge sort
Show("After sorting A :", A7, 0);
cout << "\nOne element Array Sorting :" <<
Show("Before sorting A :", A5, 1);
MergeSort(A5, 0,
// sorting using first definition of merge sort
Show("After sorting A :", A5, 1);
cout << "\nAlready sorted(ascending) Array Sorting :"
<< endl;
Show("Before sorting A :", A1, 11);
MergeSort(A1, 0,
// sorting using first definition of merge sort
Show("After sorting A :", A1, 11);
cout << "\nAlready sorted(descending) Array Sorting :"
<< endl;
Show("Before sorting A :", A2, 16);
MergeSort(A2,16, 0,
15); //
sorting using second definition of merge sort
Show("After sorting A :", A2, 16);
cout << "\n Same element Array Sorting :" <<
Show("Before sorting A :", A3, 10);
MergeSort(A3, 10, 0,
9); //
sorting using second definition of merge sort
Show("After sorting A :", A3, 10);
cout << "\nTwo element Array Sorting :" <<
Show("Before sorting A :", A4, 2);
MergeSort(A4, 2, 0,
1); //
sorting using second definition of merge sort
Show("After sorting A :", A4, 2);
cout << "\nRandom Array Sorting :" << endl;
Show("Before sorting A :", A6, 10);
MergeSort(A6, 10, 0,
9); //
sorting using second definition of merge sort
Show("After sorting A :", A6, 10);
cout << "\nRandom Array Sorting :" << endl;
Show("Before sorting A :", A8, 6);
MergeSort(A8, 0,
// sorting using first definition of merge sort
Show("After sorting A :", A8, 6);
return 0; // DO NOT DELETE.
output :
Part 2: Quick Sort
C++ code: Bold text code I have updated because Previous declaration was not working with my system. If previous declaration was working for your system then you can use previous decalaration.
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
// Function: Partition array around pivot value:
// [values < pivotVak] [pivotVal] [vals >= pivotVal]
void Partition(int A[], int Asize, int lLO, int &lHI, int
&rLO, int rHI)
int pivotVal = A[lLO]; // First value used as
int *Temp = new int [rHI + 1]; // Temp array
to hold the partition as it's being formed.. //
int tnext = lLO; // Cursor for temp array, filled left
to right.
//-| Fill temp from left-to-right, when val <
pivot; right-to-left when >= pivot.
int left = lLO, right = rHI;
for (int k = lLO + 1; k <= rHI; k++)
if (A[k] <pivotVal)
Temp[left++] =
Temp[right--] =
//-| Place pivot value at index left (should be
same as right).
Temp[right] = pivotVal;
//-| Left partition goes from lLO to left; right
from right+1 to rHI.
lHI = left - 1; rLO = right + 1;
//-| Copy the Temp sub-array back into array
for (int k = lLO; k <= rHI; k++)
A[k] = Temp[k];
//cout << endl << "PARTITION ["
<< lLO << ":" << lHI << "] and ["
//<< rLO << ":"
<< rHI << "] " << endl;
//A[] - array which we want to sort
// LO - left index of array
//HI - highest index of array
// Asize - size of array;
void QuickSort(int A[], int Asize, int LO, int HI)
// this is to check array from LO to HI contain atlest
2 element
if (LO < HI)
int lHI, rLO;
// find left partition of array and
right partition of array
// such that all elemnt in array
left to pivot is smaller
// and all element in array right
to pivot is bigger
Partition(A, Asize, LO, lHI, rLO,
// call recursion function of left
side array of pivot
QuickSort(A, Asize, LO, lHI);
// call recursion function of right
side array of pivot
QuickSort(A, Asize, rLO, HI);
} //QuickSort
// print array
void Show(char* Label, int X[], int Xsize)
cout << Label;
for (int k = 0; k<Xsize; k++)
cout << X[k] << '
cout << endl;
int main()
int A1[11] = { 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50,
55 };
int A2[16] = { 100, 90, 80, 70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20,
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4 };
int A3[10] = { 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 };
int A4[2] = { 10, 5 };
int A5[1] = { 9 };
int A6[10] = { 41, 25, 10, 78, 96, 52, 12, 34, 96, 10
int A7[10];
int A8[6] = { 0, 74, 23, 52, 21, 56 };
cout <<
"******************QuickSort*********************" <<
cout << "\nEmpty Array Sorting :" <<
Show("Before sorting A :", A7, 0);
QuickSort(A7, 0,0,
// sorting using Quicksort
Show("After sorting A :", A7, 0);
cout << "\nOne element Array Sorting :"
<< endl;
Show("Before sorting A :", A5, 1);
QuickSort(A5,1, 0,
// sorting using QuickSort
Show("After sorting A :", A5, 1);
cout << "\nAlready sorted(ascending) Array
Sorting :" << endl;
Show("Before sorting A :", A1, 11);
QuickSort(A1,11, 0,
// sorting using QuickSort
Show("After sorting A :", A1, 11);
cout << "\nAlready sorted(descending) Array
Sorting :" << endl;
Show("Before sorting A :", A2, 16);
QuickSort(A2, 16, 0,
15); //
sorting using QuickSort
Show("After sorting A :", A2, 16);
cout << "\n Same element Array Sorting :"
<< endl;
Show("Before sorting A :", A3, 10);
QuickSort(A3, 10, 0,
9); //
sorting using QuickSort
Show("After sorting A :", A3, 10);
cout << "\nTwo element Array Sorting :"
<< endl;
Show("Before sorting A :", A4, 2);
QuickSort(A4, 2, 0,
1); //
sorting using QuickSort
Show("After sorting A :", A4, 2);
cout << "\nRandom Array Sorting :" <<
Show("Before sorting A :", A6, 10);
QuickSort(A6, 10, 0,
9); //
sorting using QuickSort
Show("After sorting A :", A6, 10);
cout << "\nRandom Array Sorting :" <<
Show("Before sorting A :", A8, 6);
QuickSort(A8,6, 0,
// sorting using QuickSort
Show("After sorting A :", A8, 6);
return 0; // DO NOT DELETE.
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