
A new movie theatre has three different subscription packages for its customers: Package A: For $18.95...

A new movie theatre has three different subscription packages for its customers:

Package A: For $18.95 per month, the customer can watch 2 movies. Any additional movie requires
an additional $2 per movie.
Package B: For $22.95 per month, the customer can watch 4 movies. Any additional movie requires
an additional $1 per movie.

Package C: For $30.99 per month, the customer can watch an unlimited amount of movie.

Write a script (Python) that calculates a customer’s monthly bill.

It should ask the user to enter the letter of the package purchased (A, B, or C) and the number of movies
watched. Using that information, your program should display the total bill.

Your program should also display an error message and stop if the user enters any invalid values.

Homework Answers

Answer #1
package = input("Enter the letter of the package purchased (A, B, or C): ")
movieCount = int(input("Enter number of movies: "))
totalBill = 0
    totalBill = 18.95
        totalBill += ((movieCount-2)*2)
    totalBill = 22.95
    if (movieCount > 4):
        totalBill += ((movieCount - 4) * 1)
    totalBill = 30.99
    print("Invalid package")
print("Total bill =",totalBill)

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