A string x is called a supersequence of a string v if v is a subsequence of x. For example, ABLUE is a supersequence for BLUE and ABLE. Given strings v and w, devise an algorithm to find the shortest supersequence for both v and w.
The algorithm is given as:
Let U[0..m - 1] and V[0..n - 1] be two strings and m and n the length of U and V, respectively.
function ShortestCommonSupersequence(U, V, m, n) {
if (m == 0) return n
if (n == 0) return m
// If last characters are same, then add 1 to result and recur for U[]
if (U[m - 1] == V[n - 1])
return 1 + ShortestCommonSupersequence(U, V, m - 1, n - 1)
// Else find shortest of following two
// a) Remove last character from U and recur
// b) Remove last character from V and recur
else return 1 + min( ShortestCommonSupersequence(U, V, m - 1, n), ShortestCommonSupersequence(U, V, m, n - 1) );
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