In this exercise you're going to implement a graph class using an adjacency matrix of size 26x26. This allows up to 26 vertices, which will be denoted by the uppercase letters A .. Z. Initially a graph is empty, and then vertices and edges are added. Edges are directed, and have weights. Example: (A, B, 100) denotes an edge from A to B with weight 100; there is no edge from B to A unless one is explicitly added.
A main program is provided in "main.cpp" for testing. Your assignment is to implement "graph.h" and define a graph class; you must create the class from scratch, do not use templates. Inside your class, the adjacency matrix should be defined in the private section as follows:
int matrix[26][26];
Row 0 of the matrix denotes the edges starting at vertex A; row 1 denotes the edges starting at vertex B, etc. Similarly, column 0 denotes the edges ending at vertex A, column 1 denotes the edges ending at vertex B, etc. Example: the edge (A, B, 100) is represented by matrix[0][1] == 100. Since edge weights will be 0 or positive, the graph constructor should initialize the matrix to -1 (denoting no edge).
Add the following functions to your graph class, exactly as defined here:
// add the vertex v to the graph
void addvertex(char v);
// add the edge (from, to, weight) to the graph, but only if
// the vertices from and to have been added to the graph
void addedge(char from, char to, int weight);
// return the weight on the edge (from, to, ?); return -1 if no edge exists
int getweight(char from, char to);
// returns the vertices in the graph, in order A .. Z
vector<char> vertices();
// returns the neighbors of a vertex v, i.e. all vertices you can reach from
// v by traversing one edge.
vector<char> neighbors(char v);
Since a graph is initially empty, you'll need another data structure to keep track of vertices as they are added to the graph. You can use a vector, or a boolean array, or whatever you prefer. Be sure to initialize this data structure (if necessary) in the constructor.
/*graph.h*/ is the file to work on
#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class graph
// TODO:
/*main.cpp*/ is a read only file
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include "graph.h"
using namespace std;
void outputGraph(graph& g)
vector<char> vertices = g.vertices();
cout << "**Vertices: ";
for (char c : vertices)
cout << c << " ";
cout << endl;
cout << "**Edges: ";
for (char v : vertices)
vector<char> neighbors = g.neighbors(v);
for (char n : neighbors)
int weight = g.getweight(v, n);
cout << "(" << v << "," << n << ","
<< weight << ") ";
cout << endl;
int main()
graph g;
string input;
// Input vertices as single uppercase letters: A B C ...
cout << "Enter vertices as single letters, separated by
spaces, end with #> ";
cin >> input;
while (input != "#")
char vertex = input[0];
cin >> input;
cout << endl;
// Now input edges:
string src, dest, weight;
cout << "Enter edge as LETTER LETTER WEIGHT, or #>
cin >> src;
while (src != "#")
cin >> dest;
cin >> weight;
//cout << src << ", " << dest << ", " << weight << endl;
g.addedge(src[0], dest[0], stoi(weight));
cout << "Enter edge as LETTER LETTER WEIGHT, or #>
cin >> src;
cout << endl;
// Now dump the graph to output stream:
// done:
return 0;
// graph.h
#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class graph
private :
bool vertex[26];
int matrix[26][26];
// add the vertex v to the graph
void addvertex(char v);
// add the edge (from, to, weight) to the graph, but
only if
// the vertices from and to have been added to the
void addedge(char from, char to, int weight);
// return the weight on the edge (from, to, ?); return
-1 if no edge exists
int getweight(char from, char to);
// returns the vertices in the graph, in order A ..
vector<char> vertices();
// returns the neighbors of a vertex v, i.e. all
vertices you can reach from
// v by traversing one edge.
vector<char> neighbors(char v);
// constructor to initialize the matrix entries with -1 and
vertex entries with false
// loop over the rows of matrix
for(int i=0;i<26;i++)
vertex[i] = false; // set the
vertices to false
// loop over the columns of
for(int j=0;j<26;j++)
matrix[i][j] =
-1; // set the weight of each edge to -1 (initially no edge)
// function to add a vertex to the graph
void graph:: addvertex(char v)
int idx = (int)(v-'A'); // get the index of the letter
relative to 'A'
// check if it is valid upper case letter
if(idx >= 0 && idx < 26)
vertex[idx] = true; // if valid set
the vertex entry to true
// function to add an edge from vertex to vertex with
void graph:: addedge(char from, char to, int weight)
int fromIdx = (int)(from-'A'); // get the index of
from vertex in the vertex array
int toIdx = (int)(to-'A'); // get the index of to
vertex in the vertex array
// check both from and to vertex are valid
uppercase letter and both vertex are added to the graph
if(fromIdx >=0 && fromIdx < 26
&& toIdx >=0 && toIdx < 26 &&
vertex[fromIdx] && vertex[toIdx])
matrix[fromIdx][toIdx] = weight; //
if all valid then set the weight in matrix
// function to return the weight from vertex from to vertex
int graph::getweight(char from, char to)
int fromIdx = (int)(from-'A'); // get the index of
from vertex in the vertex array
int toIdx = (int)(to-'A'); // get the index of to
vertex in the vertex array
// check both from and to vertex are valid
uppercase letter and both vertex are added to the graph
if(fromIdx >=0 && fromIdx < 26
&& toIdx >=0 && toIdx < 26 &&
vertex[fromIdx] && vertex[toIdx])
return matrix[fromIdx][toIdx]; //
return the weight from matrix
return -1; // no edge exists
// function to return the vertices of the graph
vector<char> graph::vertices()
vector<char> letterVertices; // create a vector
of vertices
// loop over the vertex array
for(int i=0;i<26;i++)
if(vertex[i]) // if vertex if
letterVertices.push_back((char)(i+'A')); // add the corresponding
vertex to the vector
return letterVertices;
// function to return the vertices that are neighbors to vertex
v i.e. all vertices you can reach from
// v by traversing one edge.
vector<char> graph:: neighbors(char v)
vector<char> letterNeighbors;
int idx = (int)(v-'A'); // get the index of v in
the vertex array
// check that vertex v is valid uppercase letter and v
is added to the graph
if(idx >= 0 && idx < 26 &&
// loop over the columns of
for(int i=0;i<26;i++)
// if edge from
v exists to vertex at ith index
if(matrix[idx][i] > -1)
letterNeighbors.push_back((char)('A'+i)); // add
the corresponding letter to the vector
return letterNeighbors;
//end of graph.h
//main.cpp is a read only file
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include "graph.h"
using namespace std;
void outputGraph(graph& g)
vector<char> vertices = g.vertices();
cout << "**Vertices: ";
for (char c : vertices)
cout << c << " ";
cout << endl;
cout << "**Edges: ";
for (char v : vertices)
vector<char> neighbors = g.neighbors(v);
for (char n : neighbors)
int weight = g.getweight(v, n);
cout << "(" << v << "," << n << ","
<< weight << ") ";
cout << endl;
int main()
graph g;
string input;
// Input vertices as single uppercase letters: A B C ...
cout << "Enter vertices as single letters, separated by
spaces, end with #> ";
cin >> input;
while (input != "#")
char vertex = input[0];
cin >> input;
cout << endl;
// Now input edges:
string src, dest, weight;
cout << "Enter edge as LETTER LETTER WEIGHT, or #>
cin >> src;
while (src != "#")
cin >> dest;
cin >> weight;
//cout << src << ", " << dest << ", " << weight << endl;
g.addedge(src[0], dest[0], stoi(weight));
cout << "Enter edge as LETTER LETTER WEIGHT, or #>
cin >> src;
cout << endl;
// Now dump the graph to output stream:
// done:
return 0;
//end of main.cpp
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