
Answer the following questions: 1. Given the code segments below with n as the problem size,...

Answer the following questions:
1. Given the code segments below with n as the problem size, answer the following questions:
//Code Segment 1 (Consider n as a power of 3)
int sum = 0;
for(int i = 1; i <= n; i = i*3)
sum++;​​​​​​​// statement1
//Code Segment 2: (Consider both possibilities for x)
if(x < 5){
for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++)   
for(int k = 1; k <= i; k++)   
sum++;​​​​​// statement2
for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
​​for(int j = 1; j <= i; j++)
​​​for(int k = 1; k <= j; k++)
sum++;​​​// statement3
//Code Segment 3: Consider n as a power of 4.
for(int i = 1; i <= n; i = i*4)
for(int k = 1; k <= i; k++)   
sum++;​​​​​​// statement4
a. (48 points) Find the exact number of times statement1, statement2, statement3 and statement4 get executed in terms of n.
b. (12 points) Determine the Big-O complexity of these 3 program fragments.

Homework Answers

Answer #1

Solution for the problem is provided below, please comment if any doubts:



Exact number of times execution of given statements in terms of n:

I. Statement 1

Answer: log3(n)


  • Here the statement 1 is inside a for loop and the for loop repeats from 1 to n, but the increment will be in powers of 3.
  • That is the statement executs for i= 1, 3, 9, 27….n
  • Thus total number of times = log3(n)

II. Statement 2

Answer: n*(n-1)/2 , if x<5 and 0 times otherwise


  • Here the statement 2 is inside two for loops, but it is inside a condition check “if(x<5)”.
  • Thus if the condition “x<5” passes, it executs 1 time for i=1, 2 times for i=2,…
  • Thus total number = 1+2+3+4+..n = n*(n-1)/2, surely zero if the conditionnot passed.

III. Statement 3

Answer: n(n+1)(n+2)/6 , if x>=5 and 0 times otherwise


  • Here the statement 2 is inside two three “for” loops, but it is executes if condition check “if(x<5)” fails.
  • Thus if the condition “x<5” not passes, it executs 1 time for i=1, 2 times for i=2,…
  • The number of execution will be = 1+3+6+10+15…+= n(n+1)(n+2)/6

IV. Statement 4

III. Statement 3

Answer: (16(logn)-1)/15


  • Here the the statement is inside two “for” loops.
  • The outer for loop will run on powers of 4 values of i.
    • 1, 4, 16,….
  • The inner loop will execute as much time as that of first loop value.
  • Thus total execution = 1*1+4*4+16*16…= 1+42+44…=(A geometric series of length log 4n)=(16(logn)-1)/15


Big-O complexity of program segments:

I. Segment I

Answer: O(log(n))


  • It contains only the statement 1 and the loops around it.
  • Now the complexity will be execution complexity of statement 1,
  • Which is O(log n).

II. Segment II

Answer: O(n3)


  • It contains only statement 2 and 3 in serial execution.
  • Thus the complexity will be higher order term.
  • Which is O(n3)

III. Segment III

Answer: O(42logn)


  • It will be the complexity of running time of statement 4.
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