
List the events in developing an event-driven program.

List the events in developing an event-driven program.

Homework Answers

Answer #1


Note: Brother if you have any queries related the answer please do comment. I would be very happy to resolve all your queries.

ANS:The steps in developing a computer program are:

1. Understanding the problem.

2. Planning the logic.

3. Coding the program.

4. Translating the program into machine language.

5. Testing the program.

6. Putting the program into production.

7. Maintaining the program.

When you develop an event-driven application, you expand on

Step 2, planning the logic, and include three new substeps as follows:

2a. Creating storyboards.

2b. Defining the objects.

2c. Defining the connections between the screens the user will see.

Kindly revert for any queries


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