
A special police unit has spent several years tracking all the members of a large child-abuse...

A special police unit has spent several years tracking all the members of a large child-abuse ring. In an interview with a daily newspaper, a junior detective on the unit claims that the ringleaders have been tracked down and will shortly be arrested. In response to questions from the interviewer about the makeup of the child-abuse ring, the detective replies, “We have gathered details on every last member of this criminal group—they come from very varied backgrounds and their average age is 36.” X is the chairperson of a charitable club, which is in fact a front for a substantial child-abuse circle. He reads the newspaper article and fears that it might refer to him and his group. He looks through the club’s membership files and draws a sample of 50 members, finding an average age of 40 with a standard deviation of 9. Can X be confident that the detective interviewed in the newspaper was not referring to his criminal group?

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Answer #1

Total number of sample taken is 50.

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