Question:Two medical
Technologists at JRU Medical Center(JRUMC) have decided to work part-time
rather than full-time. They...
Two medical
Technologists at JRU Medical Center(JRUMC) have decided to work part-time
rather than full-time. They...
Two medical
Technologists atJRUMedicalCenter(JRUMC)have decided to work part-time
rather than full-time. They would like to work only two consecutive
days per week. Because they would be part-time employees, salary
and benefits per medicaltechnologist-day for these
medical technologists would be removed.JRUMedicalCenter(JRUMC)could hire an additional
full-time medical technologist if needed. ShouldJRUMCagree for this
request? If the satellite diagnostic clinic does agree, will
additional medical technologist need to be hired? Assuming that
part-time medical technologists and any new hires will accept any
schedule and preferences for the remainder of the medical
technologists are the same, what new schedule would you recommend
for each medical technologist?