
You find yourself on a remote island with 9 other people. None of you speak the...

You find yourself on a remote island with 9 other people. None of you speak the same language. Through pantomime you all decide to build a raft to escape. To build the raft you need logs of nearly equal size and weight and vines of equal length. How would you decide on agreed upon units of measurement for length and mass. How do these units you created compare to the SI units of meters and grams?

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Answer #1

We will take any one log for our refercence which is most convineint to build the raft and easy to find and than convey to all other people to collect similar logs to prepare the raft. similarity we will take one vine for our reference length which is most appropriate, convinient and easy to find for our prepration and convey other people to collect similar vines to bulid the raft. Same techniques are used in deciding the SI units some refrence standards are selected arbitrarily for our mesurments of mass and length which should be convinient to use. and the whole society has agreed to use this as the reference for their measurments. standarda are selected in such a way neither too large or heavy nor very small or light they must be of some moderate value.

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