DBLC (Database life cycle) process
SDLC (Software development life cycle) process
- DBLC is related to implementing of database in system and SDLC
is related to development of software for the system of
- Database management is related to data validation, collection
or storage which may act as input to software program developed
using SDLC. Hence, both are linked to each other
- Stages in DBLC are Requirement analysis, Logical design,
Physical design, Implementation, Monitoring whereas in SDLC are
Planning, Coding, Testing, Documenting, Deploying, Maintaining
- SDLC has various sub models like Waterfall model, Incremental
model, spiral model etc. which is not in case of DBLC
No, it is not that one is better than other. Both have different
application and use making it difficult to compare