Kraft Wacc- 7.26%
Campbell Soup- 7.03%
Del Monte- 7.51%
At 5.70% Heinz Wacc was below from his competitor meaning that it was doing better.
How do these competing company WACCs influence your thinking about the WACC for Heinz? Is it valid to compare the WACCs of competing companies? Why or why not?
Since WACC of Heinz is lower than its competitors it is to be
seen whether the debt ratio of Heinz is higher or does it finance
through retained earnings . WACC is one of the indicators but other
need to be checked to understand about the company.
WAC alone cannot determine whether they are better than their
NPV and cash flow analysis has to be done to determine to know
about HEINZ completely. Lower WACC company might have lower NPV and
company with higher WACC which might have higher NPV of its
Please Discuss in case of Doubt
Best of Luck. God Bless
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