Individuals who are sole proprietors or who have formed single member LLCs report business income on Schedule C of Form 1040. Please use the IRS website as your source of research and provide us with information as to why sole proprietors would benefit from organizing their businesses as single member LLCs. Please let us know if there are any disadvantages to this form of business organization.
The main benefit of single member LLC over sole proprietorship is the concept of limited liability. In case of an LLC, the shareholder is not personally liable for the debts of the business. The extent of his/her liability is the amount of equity that the shareholder has in the business, which means that he/she can't be held accountable for any additional debt and operating liabilities that the company has.
The major disadvantage is increased paperwork and hassle. LLCs are required to publish many documents such as Articles of association and annual reports which is not required in case of a sole proprietorship.
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