
Write a C/C++ function that will return a word consisting of the most significant byte of...

Write a C/C++ function that will return a word consisting of the
most significant byte of x, and the remaining bytes of y. For operands x =
0x89ABCDEF and y = 0x76543210, this would give 0x89543210. Data type int is w bits long. The code should work as long as w is
a multiple of 8. You can use the expression sizeof(int)<<3 to compute w.

Homework Answers

Answer #1

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() {

int x = 0x89ABCDEF;

int y = 0x76543210;

// this would give 0x89543210.

x = x >> 24;

x = x << 24;

y = y << 8;

y = y >> 8;

cout <<"0x" <<hex << (x | y) <<endl;




Thanks, PLEASE COMMENT if there is any concern.

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