#Write a function called semihemisphere. semihemisphere
#should return which semihemisphere a latitude-longitude
#coordinate pair is in: Northwest, Northeast, Southwest,
#or Southeast. A point in the Northern and Western
#hemispheres would be Northwest; in the Southern and Eastern
#hemispheres would be Southeast; etc.
#semihemisphere will take as input two floats: latitude
#and longitude. Latitude is a number between -90 and 90
#representing the North-South position on the globe (-90
#for the South pole, 90 for the North pole). Longitude is
#a number between -180 to 180 representing the East-West
#position on the globe (-180 is the furthest west, and 180
#is the furthest east).
#The Southern hemisphere is from -90° to 0° latitude. The
#Northern hemisphere is from 0° to 90° latitude. The
#Eastern hemisphere is from 0° to 180° longitude. The
#Western hemisphere is from -180° to 0° longitude.
#Add your code here!
#Below are some lines of code that will test your
#You can change the value of the variable(s) to test your
#function with different inputs.
#If your function works correctly, this will originally
#print Northwest, Southeast, Northeast, Southwest
print(semihemisphere(33.7, -84.4))
print(semihemisphere(-71.1, 86.3))
print(semihemisphere(67.1, 12.1))
print(semihemisphere(-11.6, -62.3))
Since you didn't specify any language , I am writing the function in c++ which is taking as argument two float values i.e latutude and longitude and then using if and else statements ,we are determing the quadrant of the point.
string semihemisphere(float latitude,float longitude)
string s;
if(latitude>0 && latitude<90)
if(longitude>0 && longitude<180)
return s;
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