Question:Select three invasive marine species in the environment that has
caused a major shift in the...
Select three invasive marine species in the environment that has
caused a major shift in the...
Select three invasive marine species in the environment that has
caused a major shift in the marine community structure? Describe
characteristics that have allowed them to be successful invaders
and describe characteristics changes in community structure and
ecosystem function that have occurred, and ways in which
governments/environmental organizations are attempting to remedy
the problem.
The three invasive marine species caused a major shift in the
marine community are Asterias amurensis, Caulerpa taxifolia and
Mnemiopsis leidyi.
The charecters that made them so invasive are higher
adaptability, high reproduction and lack of predators.
Asterias has been found to be over 100 millions of individuals
covering around 1500 sq kms.Caulerpa is found to be covering over
97% area in the locality Carcinus is blamed for the collapse of
bivalve shell fishery in the vicinity.Apart from this they show
effect on human health, economy and social issues.
Law of the sea conservation article states that every state
shall steps to control, reduce and eradicate invasion either
accidentally or intentionally. IUCN passed the guidelines for
prevention of loss to biodiversity due to alien specie
International Health Regulatory body passed the FAO code to conduct
responsible fisheries.