
________ client-centered therapy centers on the patient's goals and ways of solving problems. Select one: a....

________ client-centered therapy centers on the patient's goals and ways of solving problems.

Select one:

a. Rogers'

b. Freud's

c. Beck

d. Ellis

Question 2

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A frequently prescribed drug therapy for managing one's depression is ____________.

Select one:

a. Adderall

b. Lithium

c. Prozac

d. Thorazine

Question 3

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A major goal of modern inpatient psychiatric treatment is:

Select one:

a. keeping people with mental illness out of the community for as long as possible.

b. permanently curing mental illness.

c. quickly returning patients to society as soon as possible.

d. punishing the criminally insane.

Question 4

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An object relations therapist would be least likely to emphasize the importance of unconscious ________ impulses and needs in a therapeutic setting.

Select one:

a. dependence

b. sexual

c. social

d. status

Question 5

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Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) has changed significantly from how it was originally performed. For example, today:

Select one:

a. an alternating current is used instead of a direct current.

b. patients are given sedatives and muscle relaxers to reduce discomfort and prevent injury.

c. the electrodes are placed over the "target" brain region.

d. only people suffering from severe anxiety disorders are given ECT.

Question 6

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Empirically supported treatments refer to:

Select one:

a. treatments for which only anecdotal evidence of effectiveness are available.

b. treatments that are effective for all psychological disorders and this effectiveness has been established through rigorous scientific testing.

c. treatments that are effective for specific disorders and this effectiveness has been established through the use of sound research designs.

d. treatments which have been shown to be effective for 100% of people receiving therapy.

Question 7

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Gary takes antipsychotic drugs to control the symptoms of schizophrenia. After taking the drug for some time, he begins exhibiting repetitive, involuntary jerks and movements of his face, lips, and legs. Gary is showing signs of

Select one:

a. negative schizophrenia symptoms.

b. tardive dyskinesia.

c. a clozapine overdose.

d. positive schizophrenia symptoms.

Question 8

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George begins to project his anxieties and unresolved feelings about his mother onto his therapist. This is what Sigmund Freud would have called ____________.

Select one:

a. free association

b. resistance

c. transference

d. working through

Question 9

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How are atypical antipsychotics different from traditional antipsychotic medications?

Select one:

a. Atypical antipsychotics are older.

b. Atypical antipsychotics work by increasing GABA activity in the brain.

c. Atypical antipsychotics only treat the negative symptoms.

d. Atypical antipsychotics are less likely to cause tardive dyskinesia.

Question 10

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If you or a family member were suffering from a severe mental illness, you would be most likely to be treated by a(n) _____________ psychologist.

Select one:

a. research

b. counseling

c. academic

d. clinical

In interpreting a dream, a psychoanalyst would attempt to discover the dream's _________ content.

Select one:

a. latent

b. manifest

c. conscious

d. resistant

Question 12

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In what brand of psychotherapy would a clinical psychologist attempt to uncover the underlying unconscious conflicts and impulses that are the cause of one's psychological difficulties?

Select one:

a. behavioral

b. cognitive-behavioral

c. humanistic

d. psychoanalytic/psychodynamic

Question 13

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Not all psychodynamic theories focus on repressed sexual and aggressive conflicts. For example, ____________ is a type of psychodynamic therapy that focuses primarily on how early childhood experiences and emotional attachments influence later psychological functioning.

Select one:

a. object relations therapy

b. psychoanalysis

c. family therapy

d. client-centered therapy

Question 14

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One element to cognitive-behavioral therapy is helping clients with negative ways of thinking about the world and themselves shift to more productive and rational way of thinking. This process is called ________________.

Select one:

a. transference

b. stress inoculation training

c. cognitive restructuring

d. exposure

Question 15

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Psychologists who practice behavioral therapy focus on the client's ______________.

Select one:

a. unconscious anxieties

b. relationships with parents

c. potential for growth

d. current behavior and attitudes

________ occurs when people use stereotypes to misplace and exaggerate blame on others.

Select one:

a. Obedience

b. Conformity

c. Prejudice

d. Scapegoating

Question 17

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If you're like ___ percent of participants in the original Asch study, you would conform to the incorrect norm on at least once during testing.

Select one:

a. 45

b. 55

c. 65

d. 75

Question 18

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In 1954, Marian Keech convinced her followers that aliens from planet Clarion had sent her a message that the world was coming to an end on December 21, but that they could be saved. When the world did not come to an end, Mrs. Keech and many of her followers reduced cognitive dissonance by

Select one:

a. deciding that the aliens had been pulling a practical joke on them.

b. deciding that their efforts had been justified and had spared the planet.

c. trying to bring about the end of the world on their own by encouraging the U.S. President to start World War III.

d. using logical analysis to realize that they had been mistaken.

Question 19

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In the experiments conducted by Solomon Asch, what was the main task that subjects had to perform?

Select one:

a. pretend they were prison guards

b. selecting line sizes

c. plunge their hands into buckets of water that were either ice cold or scalding hot

d. deliver electric shocks to helpless victims

Question 20

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In the Stanford Prison Study, male college students agreed to participate in a two-week experiment to discover what would happen when they took on the roles of prisoners and guards. The researchers found that:

Select one:

a. within a short time the prisoners became distressed and panicky, developing emotional symptoms and stress-related illnesses.

b. about five percent of the guards became tyrannical, giving the prisoners electric shocks when they were slow in obeying.

c. 90 percent of the guards tried to be "tough but fair" and demanded that the tyrannical guards lighten up on the prisoners because it was only an experiment.

d. the study was conducted in an unused wing of a real prison; therefore, the realistic atmosphere enhanced the role behavior of prisoners and guards.

Solomon Asch set up an experiment in which eight people were shown a 10-inch line and then had to choose the line that matched it in length from a choice of three other lines. Through this experiment, Asch was studying

Select one:

a. bystander apathy.

b. social loafing.

c. groupthink.

d. conformity.

Question 22

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The fundamental attribution error refers to the tendency of people to

Select one:

a. overestimate the role of situational factors in the behavior of others.

b. overestimate the role of dispositional factors in the behavior of others.

c. overestimate the role of situational factors in their own behavior.

d. overestimate the role of dispositional factors in their own behavior.

Question 23

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The Stanford Prison Study demonstrates how a person's _______________ affects behavior.

Select one:

a. social role

b. values

c. beliefs

d. past experience

Question 24

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William is a police officer who is instructed by a superior officer to beat a subject in order to obtain a confession. According to research done on obedience, William is more likely to disobey this order if:

Select one:

a. the superior officer is in the room with William and the suspect.

b. another senior officer agrees that William should beat the subject.

c. the suspect asks William to stop.

d. William sees another police officer refuse to continue beating the subject.

Question 25

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________ occurs when the demands of a situation exceed our ability to cope effectively.

Select one:

a. Stress

b. Anxiety

c. Trauma

d. Stimuli

_____________ psychologists study both positive and negative impacts that humans' behavior and decisions have on their health, survival, and well-being.

Select one:

a. Physiological

b. Developmental

c. Health

d. Medicinal

Question 27

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Dr. Benno leaves his practice in a wealthy suburb and begins seeing patients in a clinic in a poor urban area. What can he expect will be the difference between his new patients and his former ones?

Select one:

a. The new patients will be generally in worse health.

b. The new patients will have less stress because many are unemployed.

c. The new patients will have more stress but lower mortality rates.

d. The new patients will be less likely to suffer from diseases associated with high-pressure lives, like heart disease.

Question 28

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For the past six months, Dahlia's job has been extremely stressful, but she doesn't feel that she can quit because she needs the money for tuition. Dahlia has been having chronic headaches and is behind in all of her classes. According to Hans Selye, Dahlia is in the ______ stage of the general adaptation syndrome.

Select one:

a. alarm

b. collapse

c. exhaustion

d. resistance

Question 29

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Health psychologists are primarily interested in how an individual's ____________ affects his or her health.

Select one:

a. physiology

b. genetics

c. development

d. behavior

Question 30

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Optimism is linked with ______________.

Select one:

a. better physical health

b. higher mortality rate

c. genetic inheritance

d. racial and ethnic background

Overtime, groups of people who interact regularly can become increasingly similar in terms of body weight, smoking habits, and even happiness. This increased similarity is likely due to ____________.

Select one:

a. genetic factors

b. social contagion

c. set point changes

d. coincidence

Question 32

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People with low socioeconomic statuses tend to have worse health than do those with high status. One reason for this is ________________.

Select one:

a. malingering (pretending to be ill)

b. cultural reinforcers

c. environmental stressors

d. heredity

Question 33

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Some researchers believe that the body has mechanisms to keep your body weight within a small range. For example, if you began eating more calories than usual, your body may increase its energy expenditure to keep your weight within the range. This range is referred to as the body's ___________.

Select one:

a. mass index

b. set point

c. energy balance

d. resistance point

Question 34

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The Type A behavior pattern is a significant predictor of _____________.

Select one:

a. mental illness

b. coronary heart disease

c. cancer

d. respiratory illnesses

Question 35

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What does the health locus of control scale measure?

Select one:

a. The extent to which you feel you can control factors that influence your health.

b. The area of your body that you feel is most healthy.

c. How income is related to health outcomes.

d. Your genetic proclivity for obesity.

Question 36

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Which of the following is true about the benefits of exercise?

Select one:

a. Exercise has long-term, but not short-term effects on cognition.

b. Exercise has short-term, but not long-term effects on cognition.

c. Exercising has physical effects on the body, but does not affect cognition.

d. Exercising can slow the memory declines associated with Alzheimer's disease.

Question 37

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______________ allow researchers to determine which personality traits or cognitive abilities correlate with job performance.

Select one:

a. Validation studies

b. Job analyses

c. Job simulations

d. Performance appraisals

Question 38

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"The scientific study of behavior and thought in work settings" describes _______________ psychology.

Select one:

a. employee/employer

b. industrial and organizational

c. job analysis

d. personnel

Question 39

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According to a job posting in the newspaper, candidates for the position must know how to design webpages, be skilled at working on their own, and creative. This is a description of the ___________ for the job.

Select one:


b. KSAOs



Question 40

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I/O Psychologists study affect because it is often as stable as

Select one:

a. personality traits

b. mood

c. performance

d. employment

In a structured interview, which of the following is typically true?

Select one:

a. The interview is specifically tailored to each applicant.

b. Questions are drawn directly from the job analysis to ensure that each is relevant to the position.

c. Structured interviews require less preparation than unstructured interviews.

d. There are no follow-up questions.

Question 42

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Job____________ can be thought of as a combination of affect and thoughts an employee holds about his or her job.

Select one:

a. affectivity

b. assessment

c. attitudes

d. efficacy

Question 43

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KSAOs refer to

Select one:

a. the process of taking on or creating additional roles and tasks for a position over time.

b. the attributes that are required for a specific job.

c. a collection of databases that describe jobs from six domains.

d. a type of structured interview.

Question 44

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Leadership _______________is the degree to which individuals are viewed as leaders by others.

Select one:

a. emergence

b. assertiveness

c. dimensionality

d. fortitude

Question 45

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Manuel works as the IT technician for a small company. Because he is good with electronics, other employees often ask Manuel for help when the photocopiers stop working. Although this was not part of Manuel's original job description, he now considers fixing the photocopiers as part of his job. This is an example of

Select one:

a. 360-degree feedback.

b. transformational leadership.

c. job crafting.

d. KSAOs.

Men are much more likely to engage in sexual harassment than women. Which of the following is a biological explanation that has been proposed for this disparity?

Select one:

a. Women have evolved to seek quantity and diversity in sexual partners, whereas men have not.

b. Men have evolved to seek quantity and diversity in sexual partners, whereas women have not.

c. Women in the workplace emit a pheromone that attracts male sexual interest.

d. Men in the workplace emit a pheromone that attracts female sexual interest.

Question 47

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Most employees experience both positive and negative emotions about work. However, the tendency to experience one type of emotions more than the other is referred to as

Select one:

a. bias.

b. locus of control.

c. the halo effect.

d. trait affectivity.

Question 48

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Most of the employees at Crinkle Tech LLC have worked there for years. This company is best described as having

Select one:

a. low turnover.

b. low absenteeism.

c. high turnover.

d. high absenteeism.

Question 49

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Multisource assessment or __________________ provides evaluation information from many different perspectives within and beyond an organization.

Select one:

a. a validation study

b. an assessment center

c. job simulation

d. 360-degree feedback

Sapna has been sexually harassed by a coworker for several months, although he has never touched her. Which of the following is the most likely reason she has not reported the harassment or taken any actions to stop it?

Select one:

a. Sapna secretly enjoys the attention on some level.

b. The harassment does not meet the technical definition of harassment because the coworker has not touched her inappropriately.

c. The harassment does not meet the technical definition of harassment because the harassment is coming from a coworker, not a superior.

d. Sapna is afraid of retaliation if she reports her coworker.

Homework Answers

Answer #1


1. The correct answer is A. Rogers'

Carl Rogers was a humanist psychologist who devised the patient-centric approach.

2. The correct answer is C. Prozac

A frequently prescribed drug therapy for managing one's depression is Prozac which wors through neurotransmitters.

3. The correct answer is C. quickly returning patients to society as soon as possible.

A major goal of modern inpatient psychiatric treatment is quickly returning patients to society as soon as possible.

4. The correct answer is B. sexual

An object relations therapist would be least likely to emphasize the importance of unconscious sexual impulses and needs in a therapeutic setting.

5. The correct answer is D.

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