How much horsepower would a vehicle need to tow the SS Delphine
up the industry standard: Davis Dam Grade Climb?
- Davis Dam assumed grade = 7%
- Air density is sea level conditions (.002377 slugs/f^t3)
- w(weight) of the SS Delphine + trailer + Redeye = 3,922,000 +
150,000 + 4451 Lbs
- Crr = coefficient of rolling resistance = .015
- Assume Combined CDA is 1555 ft^2
- SAE J2807 (Davis Dam Grande Climb) - min speed is 40mpg (59
- F(drag) = 1/2p x V^2 x C(d)A
- F(rolling resistance) = W x cos x Crr
- F(weight) = W x sin
- F(sum) = F(drag) + F(rr) + F(weight)
- P = F(sum)XV
- convert to horsepower = P(1hp/550ft lbf/sec)