Assuming they decided on setting up a corporation, Drew will
be contributing a warehouse worth $ 125,000 which he originally
purchased for $50,000 in exchange for ½ of the stock of the
company. However, Carter does not know if he will be contributing
$100,000 of machinery and $25,000 of cash or the machinery along
with $25,000 of services for ½ of the stock of the company.
(2) Please expl ain the tax impact of the formation of the C
ompany and what advi c e would you give Drew and Carter on what
Carter should contribute.
During year 1, the Company Drew and Carter set up is
profitable a nd called DC Townhouses , Inc . Its financials are as
Income $1,250,000
Accounts Receivable $100,000
Account Payable $75,000
Purchase of new and used machinery $125,000
Bank loan of $125,000
Interest on a bank loan for the purchase of supplies
Employee meals $25,000
Client entertainment $12,000
(3) Please advise DC Townhouses , Inc. on its filings
requirements and advise DC Townhouses , Inc. on the opportunities
you see based upon its financials.
In year 10, after amassing a fortune, Drew and Carter decide
to close DC Townhouses , Inc . The value of the remaining assets in
the c ompany are worth $125,000 and the company has cash on hand of
(4) Please describe the tax impact of liquidating DC
Townhouses , I nc . to both the Company and Drew and Carter.