Consider the following information about travelers on vacation: 40%
check work email, 30% use a cell phone to stay connected to work,
35% bring a laptop with them, 19% both check work email and use a
cell phone to stay connected, and 54.4% neither check work email
nor use a cell phone to stay connected nor bring a laptop. In
addition, 84 out of every 100 who bring a laptop also check work
email, and 70 out of every 100 who use a cell phone to stay
connected also bring a laptop. (a) What is the probability that a
randomly selected traveler who checks work email also uses a cell
phone to stay connected? (b) What is the probability that someone
who brings a laptop on vacation also uses a cell phone to stay
connected? (c) If the randomly selected traveler checked work email
and brought a laptop, what is the probability that he/she uses a
cell phone to stay connected? (Round your answer to four decimal